goes in search of a father
the story of child who craves for the warmth of a father will be
telecast every Friday at 8.35 pm on Rupavahini channel.
The teleplay
based on a novel written by Edward Mallawarachchi is produced by
Janaka Suranjith De Silva and directed by Gamini Ratnasiri.

scene from the teledrama
a four year old child is a pre-schooler, whose father was a flying
officer who had disappeared during an operation in the north. She
awaits eagerly for the day her father will return. Not wanting to
tell Senuri of her father's deatah Heshani, Senuri's mother pretends
that her father is abroad.
Kokila, a young
media presenter is popular with the young ones for his impressive
radio and TV programmes. Haresha his assistant is popular due to
Kokila's popularity and are in love. In the competitive world of
media their programmes are popular.
One day when
Kokila goes to pick up his niece at the international school he
meets Senuri. Senuri asks him to carry her as she sees that Kokila
resembles Senuri's father. Kokila does so and hugs her while rejecting
Heshani's objection since he realises that a refusal will be detrimental
to little Senuri.
Heshani gets
to know that Kokila is engaged to be married but they meet each
other due to the child. Heshani suffers from an eye complaint and
Kokila seeks to help her.
Although Kokila
does this with compassion Haresha his fiancee objects. His sister
a teacher too is angry because of his connection with a widow having
a child. She thinks it will blight his future.
Haresha's brother
a lawyer hears the news that Kokila is carrying on with a married
Kokila's mother
Mrs. Inimankada gives her consent to the marriage forgetting the
religious differences because she was happy that her son would be
married to a affluent family. This problem with Heshani upsets her.
Heshani is
hospitalised due to her eye condition. Despite his mother's objection
Kokila brings Senuri to his home. Kokila's mother at first resents
this intrusion but gradually succumbs to the child's caressing.
Her five children
are married and gone abroad she need someone to love and this child
fills her needs. She had someone to share her routine now and Senuri
too loves her.
Haresha is
sad due to this development. Kokila has a conflict with his employer
over a controversial programme and he resigns.
In the meantime
Haresha is given a scholarship. At first she expresses her reluctance
but later Kokila persuades her to accept it.
Heshani has
to suffer many heartaches yet she bears them because of Kokila.
Haresha meets
Heshani on the day she was to leave for Germany. She stakes her
claim to Kokila clearly with Heshani.
When Kokila
goes home to take Heshani to the hospital after leaving Haresha
at the airport he finds that she had already left home with the
Kokila comes
home to find a letter written by Heshani which makes him as well
as his mother depressed at the loss of Heshani and Senuri.
The cast in
the miniplay are Roger Seneviratne, Dilani Abeywardena, child actor-
Panchali Kaushalya, Hyacinth Wijeratne, Sunitha Wimalaweera, Ananda
Wickremage and Biyanka Shayamali.
Wehi' focuses on children
Susitha R. Fernando
"The Fancy Rain" (Arumosam Wehi) the third directorial
effort by Priyantha Kolambage will be released on National Film
Corporation circuit from this month.

Perera in a scene from the film 'Arumosam Wehi'
two earlier films namely 'Dehana' and 'Vimukthi' were both released
in 1994. In the latest film he focuses on children.
'The Fancy
Rain' is woven around a circus team that came to a remote village
a few decades back and highlights the changes that had taken place
in the traditional lives of the people.
The circus
puts up its tents in the playground used by the village children
and this displaces them without a proper place to play.
The film thus
depicts how the traditional village undergoes changes with this
intrusion. Around the circus ground the villagers erect trade stalls
thus causing a change in the traditional lifestyle of being farmers.
Circus itself is a source of conflict to the village as its youngsters
begin thieving to get money to see the circus. The villagers realise
the prise they had to pay for having this circus in their village.
Meanwhile the
plot thickens when the manager(W. Jayasiri) makes plans to own the
circus team. 'Arumosam Wehi' focuses on the central figure "Bindu",
played by Mahendra Perera, the clown of the circus who is being
ill-treated by the Manager.
He secretly
plans to get away from Bindu first to realise his goal before the
arrival of the owner. But Bindu who has a liking for the owner opposes
the manager's plot.
Meanwhile Bindu
with Laila, a girl artiste in the circus befriends the children
in the village and volunteers to teach them circus acts. However
Bindu meets with an accident while performing as a result of a plan
by the scheming manager. He falls from the swing and breaks his
back. This could affect his livelihood.
When he recovers
according to a ruse by the Manager he is falsely accused of stealing
some money from the manager and is locked up.
But Bindu's
friend Laila with the children's help crushes the allegations against
him and "Arumosam Wehi" ends on a happy note when the
circus owner comes to realise who the real thief was.
Asked about
the title and the film Priyantha said "the word fancy is related
to something that brings happiness but this is not a permanent happiness.
Even among these fancies there are saddening sides. Likewise the
lives of the very people in the circus who labour to make others
happy are full of misery.
is used as a tool to enter the children's world" said the director
who made the initial script as far back as 1987 under the title
"Kurumitto" (Dwarfs).
Set in Nachchidoowa
in Anuradhapura there are some superb photographic shots.
Playing the
main role of Bindu Mahendra Perera gives a fine performance of a
circus artiste convincingly. Others in the stellar cast with him
are W. Jayasiri, Nuwangi Liyanage, Wasantha Wittachchi and a host
of child actors who display their acting abilities.
In the technical
crew is art director Athul Sulthanagoda, screen play is by Jayantha
Kolambage, and Suminda Weerasinghe handles the camera. Samantha
Perera as a first timer handles music direction while lyrics have
been written by Nilar M. Cassim for 'Arumosam Wehi'. The film is
produced under the sponsorship of National Film Corporation.
The film represented
Lanka at the recently held 33rd Film Festival of India in New Delhi.
Although the
plot is simple and easily understood Priyantha Kolambage has achieved
his objective in making an entertaining film for children.
Kanyaviyak': Mario's new film
Kanyaviyak' directed by Mario Jayatunge is now being screened at
Ritz in Borella and other cinemas.

and Dilhani
main roles are played by Dilhani Ashokamala, Veena Jayakody, Suresh
Gamage, Gayana Sudarshani, Manel Wanaguru, Sureni Senarath and Menike
Nimal Nakande
handles the camera while Kumarasiri De Silva has done the editing.
Musical score is by Sara Wickrema.
The film is
produced by Roshan Meraj Yaseen for S. Y. films. Story, dialogue
and screen play is by Mario Jayatunge.