TV Times

‘Prakampana’: Clash of human emotions
The miniplay “Prakampana” is telecast every Thursday at 8.35 pm on the Rupavahini channel. The lead roles are played by Sanjaya Leelaratne, Sandeepa Sewmini, Damitha Aberatne and Nalin Pradeep Udawela.

According to story line, Ravi Rambukwelle is a millionaire businessman married to Maheshi, a daughter of a wealthy family. They have been married for years. They are childless. The couple has been consulting the best physicians and making endless vows but has not been able to get a child.

Ravi decides to adopt a child but Maheshi doesn’t like the idea. Their relatives and friends are under the impression that they are not anxious to get a child as it may spoil their lifestyle.

To escape from this atmosphere Ravi and Maheshi decide to go to their estate in the hill-country. There they decide to adopt their servant Michael’s child. Paying a sum of five lakhs for the child, Maheshi pretends to be pregnant and once the child is born they adopt it.

Michael and his wife are sad as they miss their infant. Meanwhile Maheshi gets pregnant and she thinks that Michael’s child should be sent back to his parents. This teledrama depicts the conflict in human emotions when the love of money and the love of children clash.


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