TV Times

Deepa Mehta and Film Location Services
The leading film location supplying company, Film Locations Services had helped nearly fifty international films including world famous films like Indiana Jones; Temple of Doom and Mother Theresa with the locations. The company took up the difficult task of recreating India of several decades ago by making massive sets when Deepa Mehta selected Sri Lanka out of many locations in the world to shoot Water.

Filming took place in three main locations, one massive set was over an area of 500 m by the Bolgoda Lake, a house in Jinthupitiya, Kotahena and the Maradana railway station. Chairman of Film Locations Services, Chandran Rutnam, speaking to TV Times said, this was the first time that he supplied full location for an entire film based on India.

Asked about the risk of taking up the controversial film the sets of which were burnt when it was being shot in India. “If there is anything worthwhile there is some controversy. My job was to evaluate the controversy and decide whether it was harmful or not and then I go ahead”, said Mr. Rutnam cautiouly.

“There is another thing that I have learnt in this field. It is that if somebody wants to do a film nobody can stop him or her. The filmmaker would accomplish what he planned and concluded it successfully since he has the whole world as location to choose from” said Mr. Rutnam speaking at length. “I believe that filmmakers need the freedom of expression with a taste and integrity,” Mr. Rutnam said.


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