ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, March 11 , 2007
Vol. 41 - No 41

DIG sent on compulsory leave

By Asif Fuard

Police Welfare Chief and Deputy Inspector General M. A. Kamaldeen who is being questioned by the CID on allegations of corruption has been sent on compulsory leave by the National Police Commission. NPC chairman Neville Piyadigama said DIG Kamaldeen was sent on compulsory leave pending inquiries.

It is alleged that he interfered with the duties of an airport Customs officer who attempted to check a passenger accompanying the DIG’s son from Pakistan.

The passenger, according to Customs, had attempted to walk through the green channel claiming he had no goods to declare, but a search revealed that he was carrying gems without declaring them. The gems were valued at Rs. 400,000 and a fine was imposed.

When the customs made an attempt to check the person accompanying the DIG’s son, the police officer had allegedly intervened. However the customs official went ahead to inspect the passenger.

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