ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, March 11 , 2007
Vol. 41 - No 41

Once they opened doors for their own gain

By a disgusted aged parent,

I refer to the two letters that appeared in The Sunday Times on 11.2.2007 & 25.2.2007 by C.L. Jayaratne and G. Samarakone respectively.

I am a 75-year-old mercantile employee. My children and relatives are living in all parts of Australia. As Mr. Jayaratne stated in his letter, leaving aside the native aborigines Mr. Howard’s liberals have taken over the country and the genuine aged parents of the migrants are cut off from their children.

As Mr. Jayaratne stated in his letter, if money is thrown there will be no waiting and no queue. I would like to add a new para to this letter that is at the time when Australia had no trained or educated doctors, engineers, technicians they accepted with open arms the young sons and daughters of other countries and the aged parents were left without children. Now that they are satisfied, they close the door for the aged parents to join their children.

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