‘Hypnotic’ at SJC Auditorium
'Hypnotic', a mega musical concert featuring the cream of new wave stars, will come alive at the St. Joseph's College Auditorium, Colombo 10 on March 30.
'Hypnotic' is organized by the Hynotic Crew to raise funds in aid of their charity projects.
Popular singing stars Romesh-Lakshan, Iraj, Bathiya and Santhush, Randhir, Ashanthi, Dushyanth and Shihan Mihiranga will liven up the evening.
''Hypnotic' being our maiden project, we are planning to raise funds from this to facilitate a couple of humanitarian projects under our supervision' said a person from the Hypnotic crew.
The Concert will kick start at 6.30 pm and all performers will sing to their backing music tracks. Romesh-Lakshan, Iraj, Ashanth and Dushyanth will sing some of their very latest tracks.
'There will be a special attraction at the show with many dancing acts and performances.
It is a common known factor that the youth idolizes known figures, thus we have chosen such youth icons to promote goodwill and charity, therefore while giving them the best in entertainment, we will also be giving them a chance to motivate themselves in doing good for the betterment of humanity' she added.