CMC fate in
the balance
By Nalaka Nonis
Colombo’s Mayor Uvais Mohamed Imthiyaz has submitted his reply to the charge-sheet served by Western Province Chief Minister Reginald Cooray.
Chief Minister Cooray said the mayor’s explanation was being studied and a decision on the fate of the council would be taken soon.
The Mayor handed over his reply just hours before the 14-day deadline expired on Friday, his chief coordinating officer Sham Nawaz said.
Mayor Imthiyaz |
He said they hoped the council would be cleared of all charges as they had given detailed explanation to every allegation on the charge-sheet.
Deputy Mayor S. Rajendran said there was nothing illegal in council dealings.
Asked about the award of a solid waste management contract to a private company outside the tender procedure, he said what the council did was to extend the contract with the company.
The other charges against the council related to the purchase of roofing sheets, a Rs. 20 million fraud in the purchase of sewing machines, spending CMC money to develop a private car park, discrepancies in the charges for hoardings and ignoring tender board decisions.
In terms of the Provincial Council Act, the Chief Minister could suspend the council if he was not satisfied with the answers provided by the mayor.
He can also appoint a commission headed by a retired High Court Judge to further investigate the charges and dissolve the council if the charges are proved.