Aney is it true? with nam
* The Bighouse man who was sent to watch cricket no sooner he sat on the chair is now angry with the hierarchy of the most popular sport. The reason – while he was there he saw the big man of the most popular sport in the country getting preferential treatment from the organizers of this sport which had its big event in the islands by the sea. Now he is itching to have elections for this sport once again so that he could have the last laugh. But will that happen in a hurry?
* The Bighouse man was angry once again. His photographs had been used on the posters for the welcome used for the return of the sportsmen who came second at the big event. It is reported that he quizzed some of the top people of that sport as to why his photo was used without his permission.
*Then come that story about the umpire from Ambalangoda who added a piece to number one and made 19 a 79 in his results sheets. Now an inquiry is on the way. |