CIMA elects first Sri Lankan VP
The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants recently elected Aubrey Joachim as CIMA Vice President (UK) at their AGM held in London, which means the year 2009/2010 will see CIMA having its first Sri Lankan President.
Aubrey Joachim |
Joachim is a management coach, mentor and management training provider contracting to leading conference and seminar companies as well as professional bodies across the Australasian region. After leaving Sri Lanka in 1982 to take up employment with McDermott International Inc, a multinational US Corporation in Dubai, he moved through several senior financial management roles before transferring to their London operation in 1992 as Accounting Manager. Upon migrating to Australia in 1993 Joachim joined Sydney Water Corporation where he rose to the position of Financial Manager of the largest division of the business. Aubrey also has an MBA and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Joachim attained CIMA Fellowship status in 1984 and has been an active member since 1994. From 1998, he has been on the CIMA Australia National Council and Aubrey was elected to CIMA Council in 2001 to represent Australasia as a member of the International Development Committee. Having also served as Vice Chair of Marketing Committee and member of the Executive Committee Joachim is currently the Chairman of the Member Services Committee.