Beware of the Afghans
What are South Korean troops, or for that matter other foreign forces, doing in Afghanistan? It's not South Korea's war. Or for that matter, of other nations that form the US-led coalition
By Aijaz Zaka Syed
At the height of tensions after 9/11 attacks when Bush was breathing down Taleban's neck ordering them to surrender Osama bin Laden, we South Asian journalists would endlessly debate the fate of Afghanistan. The big question that exercised us all of course was if Taleban would give up their Arab guest to save their own skin. While some of us were optimistic about a peaceful resolution of the issue, I remember a friend shaking his head dismissing such misplaced optimism: "That's not gonna happen. The Afghans will never compromise their guests and friends. Pathan aur uss par fundamentalist! (We are talking about the Pathan and fundamentalist!) That's a lethal combination, my friends! Mark my words. Another war is coming Afghanistan's way."
Subsequent events proved my friend right. Despite desperate efforts by some Muslim countries and diplomatic initiatives by Pakistan, Taleban's resolve to protect the 'Sheikh' was only matched by the determination of the Bush administration to teach 'em infidels a lesson or two.
"There's an old poster out West… I recall, that said, 'Wanted, Dead or Alive,'" thundered Bush in his best Texas Ranger fashion with reference to Osama.
Father Shim Jin-pyo of Shim Sung-min, one of the two South Koreans killed in Afghanistan, weeps during a funeral at a hospital in Sungnam, south of Seoul, South Korea, Saturday, Aug. 4, 2007 |
In the end, the Taleban with their rickety Soviet era guns would rather give up power and suffer the total destruction of their country than give away someone who had sought refuge with them. This is what they call Pakhtu in Afghanistan. Always keep your word and protect your honour and that of your guests, whatever the price. That has been the proud tradition of the Pathans, the majority community of the country, and other Afghans. Watching the Taleban set one deadline after another in the South Korean hostage crisis, I can't help recall my friend's politically incorrect comment. The abduction of 23 South Koreans is most unfortunate. All of us in the Middle East and rest of the Muslim world know only too well the pain and suffering of the hostages and their families back home. The killing of the two hostages, one after another within a week, came as a rude shock to us all — just as it did to the people of South Korea and people around the world.
How can a faith that repeatedly warns its followers against targeting of innocents and women and children even during a just war would sanction this mindless bloodletting of innocent civilians? The early believers would get upset even if a bird nest was disturbed during a military campaign. But then Taleban are not exactly the most ideal examples of Islam's humane and universal teachings. They never have been. Theirs is a world of black and white and ancient tribal laws.
Their collective ignorance, rigid customs and prejudices have nothing to do with religion. These have been nurtured over the past two millennia and go way back in time, long before Islam. But if your land lies in the path of successive generations of invaders, you develop a hardness of soul. Afghanistan is not a country for chicken hearted. It's never been one. Which may be why from Alexander the Great down to the wily British to the ruthless Russians, no power ever succeeded in reining in the Afghan. Afghanistan has been the graveyard of great armies. You can win the Afghan only when he submits himself to authority, of his own accord and on his own terms. You win him, if only you win his heart and mind.
Taleban's actions of targeting civilians are totally reprehensible. The execution of the South Korean hostages was nothing but murder, pure and simple.
This is total madness.
As far as Taleban are concerned, all South Koreans are 'enemy combatants,' as Bush would put it. The South Korean troops are part of the Coalition of the Willing. And Taleban are not the only villains in this continuing tragedy. While the world attention remains focused on Iraq, Afghanistan is losing more and more of its sons to death, caught as they are between the devil and the deep sea. As in Iraq, there's no body count either. This year alone, Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission says, at least 600 of the 1,100 deaths in southern Afghanistan were civilians. And the day Taleban killed the first Korean hostage, the coalition forces killed more than 70 civilians in their indiscriminate bombing of a 'Taleban hideout'.
By the way, what are South Korean troops, or for that matter other foreign forces, doing in Afghanistan?
It's not South Korea's war. Or for that matter, of other nations that form the US-led coalition. I bet most Koreans might not even have heard of Taleban or Afghanistan before this unfortunate episode. The Koreans have been pushed into this war by the US. While the US troops are themselves thinly spread out in Iraq, Afghanistan and God knows where else, Washington is pushing its allies to share the mess it has created around the world. Interestingly, South Korea itself depends critically on the US forces stationed on its soil for half a century for protection from troublesome neighbours.
And what were the South Korean hostages doing in Afghanistan? They were part of a missionary group. There are hundreds of such groups working across Afghanistan to proselytise a people who are as fiercely proud of their religious beliefs as they are of their traditions.
While Bush never tires of telling us how Afghan people are enjoying their new-found freedom and dignity, his neocon friends have let loose the religious Right groups with deep pockets on an unsuspecting people. It's easy to win the hearts and minds battle against an impoverished and totally broken people, you know. There are some genuine aid agencies and non-government organisations engaged in a truly noble and humanitarian mission to help war-ravaged Afghanistan. But there are many others whose agenda is not exactly inspired by altruistic motives.
I have no issues with propagation of one's faith. After all, if Muslims enjoy the freedom to practise and propagate their religion in the West and elsewhere, people of other faiths too should have similar freedom.
However, what's going on in Afghanistan is different. Here the occupation forces are strutting their full military might to bully a vanquished people into accepting the way of life of their victors. This is a psychological war and far more dangerous than the military assault. Which is what makes it so unethical. This is what the British did in India. This is what other European powers did in Africa and elsewhere in the Third World. But if the neocons and other zealots think they can persuade the Afghans to part with their faith or give up resistance, they'd better think again. Like my friend warned, if the Afghan is convinced he is right, you cannot budge him an inch from his conviction.
Many a mighty invader overlooked this home truth to their cost. In fact, not long ago a superpower destroyed itself in trying to rule Afghanistan. And now you have another superpower seeking to rein in the Afghan. But if I were part of the coalition of the willing, I would listen to what Rudyard Kipling, the bard of British empire, had to say about Afghanistan: When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains, And the women come out to cut up what remains, Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains And go to your Gawd like a soldier.
(Aijaz Zaka Syed is a Dubai-based journalist. He can be reached at |