Laparoscopic Training Unit set up by Singer
Singer recently helped in the Surgical Unit of the Colombo South Teaching Hospital where new training methods in Laparoscopic surgery have been introduced.
The group said Singer Sri Lanka and Singer Industries helped by furnishing the newly established training centre providing air-conditioning facilities and donating six television sets required to visualize the skills practiced inside the Laparoscopic trainer.
Professor Mohan de Silva, Head of the Department of Surgery, University of Sri Jayewardenepura said that up to date, post-graduate trainees had to be trained in Laparoscopic surgery on actual patients which obviously carries some risk to the patient. Training in the new training equipment does not involve actual patients.
Singer Industries also maintains ward 25 at the Colombo South Hospital as an ongoing project. The ward has been refurbished and is regularly white washed and kept neat and tidy. |