Golden jubilee in Jaffna’s little Rome
The feast of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the church feast of "Kathirai Chelvee" are celebrated annually on August 15 by the parishioners of Sillalai, better known as 'Little Rome'. The historic shrine of Our Lady of Remedies "Kathirai Chelvee "is situated in the village of Sillalai in the Jaffna diocese. This year the Sillalai parishioners celebrate their church's Golden Jubilee.
The villagers here are predominantly Catholics and farmers. The village is called "Little Rome" by the religious faithful of the North, a tribute given for harbouring Blessed Joseph Vaz for over three years and also for having brought forth a Bishop, 35 priests, 45 nuns and many lay apostles.

During the Dutch persecution in Ceylon, Joseph Vaz came in disguise from Goa, India in 1687 to propogate Christianity and found his way to Sillalai where he was sheltered by the Sillalai Catholics. He served as the first parish priest and lived there for over three years, extending his missionary work in Jaffna and converting many to Christianity.
The original miraculous statue of Our Lady of Remedies gifted by the Portuguese missionaries in 1544, was protected and preserved during the Dutch persecution. Rev. Fr. Louis Daisy, OMI, a Belgian was appointed as parish priest of Sillalai. Under his pastoral care the Sillalai parish grew and flourished. He found that the church built in 1882 was inadequate and laboured hard along with the parishioners to build a beautiful church. The first mass was offered in 1957 and the new church became the consecrated place of worship. Fr. Daisy served the parish for 15 years and his name is synonymous with it. He has written many Catholic prayer books in Tamil and translated English books into Tamil.
In 1960, a statue in honour of Blessed Joseph Vaz was erected in the church yard. It is believed to be the first statue erected in memory of him (in national dress) in Sri Lanka.
The hoisting of the flag for the golden jubilee took place on August 6 and after nine days of novena and vespers a Festive High Mass will be offered by Very. Rev. Fr. Justin Ganapragasam, Vicar General as the Chief celebrant with Fr. Justin Chawan, Fr. Jude Nixon and other priests. The miraculous statue of our Lady of Remedies will be placed on a gaily decorated chariot and taken around the church in a colourful procession. A statue of Rev. Fr. Louis Daisy, OMI will be unveiled on August 14 by Rt. Rev. Dr. Savundranayagam, Bishop of Jaffna.
S.B. David |