ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday November 18, 2007
Vol. 42 - No 25
Columns - 5th Column  

Don't let them crossover,-- for you need them now more than ever!

By Rypvanwinkle

"Thaaththa," Bindu Udagedera asked, "didn't you call Mahinda maama and pledge your support to him?"
"Why on earth would I do that?" Bindu's father Percy asked, surprised.
"Why, thaaththa, that is what seems to be fashionable these days..." Bindu said.
"But why would he want my support?" Percy was puzzled.

"Mahinda maama can do with all the support he can get now..." Bindu said, "and everybody who is somebody is telling us how much they love Mahinda maama..."
"No, Bindu," Percy observed, "it is not everybody who is somebody who is doing that..."
"Why do you say that, thaaththa?" Bindu wanted to know.

"Why, some of those who are pledging their support appear to be accused of serious crimes..." Percy explained.
"But thaaththa," Bindu asked, "what is the purpose of all these crossovers?"
"Why, they have all suddenly realised how great the budget is and they are all rushing to Mahinda maama to express their support..."
"But thaaththa," Bindu pointed out, "it is not all one way traffic..."
"Why do you say that?" Percy asked.

"Why thaaththa, the COPE man crossed over from Mahinda maama's side to the other side..." Bindu pointed out.
"It maybe that he couldn't cope with what they were doing to the COPE reports..." Percy proposed.
"And even Captain Cool has said that he would find it difficult to vote for the budget..." Bindu said.
"So, it seems as if even he has lost his cool with Mahinda maama now..." Percy said.
"But there are others who are playing it very cool, thaaththa..." Bindu declared.
"Why, who are they?" Percy inquired.

"Why, thaaththa, the rathu sahodarayas," Bindu said, "no one knows whether they are coming or going..."
"I am not so sure whether they themselves are aware whether they are coming or going..." Percy said.
"But they keep telling us every day how inefficient this government is..." Bindu argued, "and how Mahinda maama should be taught a good lesson, so he won't repeat his mistakes..."
"But they have their own problems, Bindu..." Percy said.

"Why, thaaththa, what are those?" Bindu asked.
"Why, if they vote against Mahinda maama , then there will be elections..." Percy pointed out.
"So, what is wrong with that?" Bindu asked, "do they fear that the Greens will come into power?"
"I think there is more to it than just that..." Percy suggested.
"And what exactly is that?" Bindu asked.

"Why, Bindu," Percy explained, "if there is an election now, the numbers of the Reds in the House will be drastically reduced..."
"Oh," Bindu said, "so they too are just like everybody else, worried about what would happen to themselves instead of what would happen to the country..."
"Yes," Percy agreed, "now we can safely say, 'unuth ekai, munuth ekai, arunuth ekai'..."

"Then, thaaththa," Bindu suggested, "I think there will be a lot of fun and excitement in Parliament this week..."
"Yes," Percy agreed, "but I think we should have something special in the Parliament chamber to prevent any serious accidents..."
"What is that, thaaththa?" Bindu wanted to know.

"I think," Percy said, "with all these crossovers, we should have a pedestrian crossing with yellow lines painted across the chamber so that all those who are waiting to cross can do so safely in the next few days..."
Bindu didn't know quite what to say to that.

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