‘We’re very keen on a peaceful solution’
The LTTE's new political wing leader B. Nadesan says the ceasefire agreement is the foundation for reaching peace and therefore it is essential to safeguard it at all cost.
In an exclusive interview with The Sunday Times, he also accuses the government of repeatedly breaking ceasefire agreements and opting for war. Excerpts:
Q: The LTTE has announced it would maintain the CFA. There have been some 6,000 CFA violations by the LTTE, and you want to keep to it?
A: The number 6000 that you quote were complaints to the SLMM that were made up by the GoSL side. These were not actually ruled as violations. Indeed SLMM itself gave up on this violation counting system after realizing that they did not reflect the ground reality. The number and the seriousness of the human rights violations committed by the GoSL and its forces speak volumes about the degree of CFA violation committed by the GoSL side.
LTTE Political Wing Leader B. Nadesan in conversation with departing truce monitors. |
Q: Your organization says that the LTTE is ready to implement the CFA 100%. What percentage of the CFA do you think the LTTE implemented from 2002 to 2008?
A: We were always ready to implement the CFA and we are ready to implement it even now. Many of the structures agreed on at the peace talks and those signed by the two sides were undermined by the GoSL. The whole world knows that a large number of people were displaced by the Sri Lankan military offensives in the east and the north. The comments by the group of eminent persons asked to monitor the investigations into selected human rights violations demonstrate the duplicity of the GoSL.
Q: The LTTE reportedly even shot at the Scandinavian monitors at one stage of the CFA?
A: This particular incident was very unfortunate. Following atrocities of the Sri Lankan Navy on Tamil fishermen, we repeatedly requested the SLMM Naval monitoring team not to board the Sri Lankan Naval vessels and act as human shields for the Sri Lankan Navy atrocities. In one of our last communications, we indeed were emphatic that they should not board Sri Lankan Naval vessels. We were confident that after that letter, the SLMM would not board Sri Lankan Naval vessels. The unfortunate attack took place with this confidence. We immediately halted the attack as soon as the SLMM informed us its monitors are in the vessel.
Q: Your organisation even asked some of the countries to quit the monitoring team - the SLMM. Your comments.
A: The Nordic countries were selected for their neutrality with respect to Sri Lanka. When the EU banned our organisation some of the SLMM countries automatically became signatories to that ban. This effectively removed their neutral status. In effect, it was these Nordic countries who effectively removed themselves from the SLMM.
Nadesan at his office. |
We have nothing against these Nordic countries and even now we are ready to receive them back as members of the SLMM, if they would remove the ban on our organisation.
Q: Your organisation lost ships reportedly bringing in weapons to your fighting cadres during the CFA - from its inception in 2002. And there have been CFA violations on the part of the Security Forces as well; so then, why are you sticking to a moribund truce agreement?
A: The CFA is the foundation for reaching peace and therefore it is essential to safeguard it at all cost.
Q: Is it just some kind of grandstanding by the LTTE? Probably you just want to keep the IC (International Community) on your side. Please explain.
A: In the past, the international community remained only as observers of our just struggle. But the support of the international community is very important to us to win the rights of the Tamil people. The CFA was worked out with the massive support of the international community and therefore we value it.
If one studies the history of the peace efforts in this country, it has always been the GoSL that abrogated agreements repeatedly.
Q: There is a considered view in the 'south', that it was the LTTE that began the hostilities against the new government of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, first through a Palestinian-style student unrest, and then, an actual military campaign to capture the Mavil-Aru irrigation scheme. These were unprovoked acts on your part. What is your response?
A: The student unrest was a natural protest by the students against the oppressive conditions imposed by the occupying Sri Lankan military to their learning. Military camps inside and very close to schools, being checked on their way to school, harassment of female students by the military all caused this student unrest.
The Mavil-Aru issue was a civil dispute between people in two different areas, which could have been resolved by discussions and indeed were about to be resolved by discussions. It was the GoSL that turned it into an excuse for military offensive. Do not forget that many analysts questioned why the GoSL continued with its offensives long after the sluice gate was opened.
Q: Is the LTTE really interested in peace talks, democracy, pluralism and multi-party elections?
A: Yes, we are very keen on resolving the conflict and finding a peaceful solution to the Tamil question. Our struggle is indeed a struggle for our democratic rights. Pluralism comes with true democracy.
Q: And your organisation is accused of kicking the negotiating table all along?
A: If you study the history of the conflict it will be crystal clear who was kicking all the peace efforts by abrogating agreements.
Q: Is the LTTE getting 'cornered' by the military? You have been ejected from the East - and the North. The Army is closing in on your last stronghold of the Wanni, according to the military. Military spokesmen of your organisation have spoken of a fight to the finish, anticipating a military push by the Security Forces. What is the LTTE opting for - talks or war?
A: All our military actions are defensive. We are always keen on seeking a resolution through peace efforts. Our position is clearly stated in our last public statement released on the eve of our last meeting with the SLMM Head of Mission. |