The little mice plan to bell the cat
‘Belling the Cats” for a Just Society
Believe me, said a youthful mouse,
That cat makes too much fuss,
The silly thing just sits and waits
to capture one of us.
You're right, a peer said, looking grim,
I find the cat disgusting,
You never know just where she is!
No wonder we're mistrusting.
Quickly a committee formed
And came up with an answer!
A bell around the kitty's neck
Would neutralize the cancer!
The crowd rejoiced:
But Grandma Mouse looked leery,
She sighed a tired sigh and said:
I've just one simple query.
Who'll be the one to volunteer
To go and bell the kitty?
And all kept perfect silence then,
Especially the committee.
MORAL: Many a plan has just one flaw: No one has the courage to try it.”
To establish a Just Society, Sri Lanka desperately needs “Good” men and women, with courage and conviction to “bell the cat”, at least to speak openly and publicly of “Unjust Acts in Society”, created or influenced by the few “bad men and women”, supported, guided and cheered on by equally “bad men and women” network alliances.
In recent months many “Cats” have been at “play” – playing around with the sovereignty, rights, freedoms, welfare, resources, environment, ecology, economic prosperity, cherished values and norms, safety, security, justice, fair play and the right to meritocracy of the people of Sri Lanka.
These Cats include not only the striped variety in the North and East branded as “terrorists”, their break away spotted ones dominating play in the East, and the cats in sheep’s clothing now trying to wrest political power in the North and East, aligned to the Lions of the South.
The armed cats and policing cats in uniform, are joined in these “play acts” by the underworld black cats.
The lion cats that rule and their network governance cats, are openly and without concern for public opinion, playing astute political games, fattening themselves with illegal siphoning of scarce public resource pots of milk.
The opposing cats and the dangerous yellow robed cats and red comrade cats are planning strategies to enhance their influence in the community.
The diplomatic cats are making enemies of old friends. The media cats are being gagged and the NGO cats are hunted.
The business “Hora Pusa’s”, the rogue cats are processing hay whilst the sun shines, irrespective of the impact on the nation and its people.
The occasional clarion calls of the good cats of society, brave advances of some media and professional cats, the occasional saving grace of justice by the black robed cats carrying the insignia of a scale and the deep voiced purring and caring international cats are the only positive outlook for society.
The recent unjust acts perpetrated on a massive scale with high impact on society, include;
1. Violence and Terror
2. Human Rights Violations
3. Restricting the Freedom of Expression
4. Abduction, Disappearances, Torture and Killing
5. Abuse of Power
6. Bribery and Corruption
7. Raping/Destruction of the Environment and Ecology
8. Distribution of narcotics
9. Alienating the International Development Support Community
10. Endangering Aid Flows and International Trade Concessions
Taking one of these unjust acts of the ruling cats as an example, led by the defensive cat and the foreign cat (obviously having cleared it with the chief lion cat), in issuing a false diplomatic passport to the renegade cat, will there be volunteers to bell these cats, using the following rationale and strategy;
“Since the false DPL passport and the request for UK visa episode involves at least the following aspects, especially because the passenger claims he received the passport only on board:
1. the application, if any, for the passport and supporting certificates and documents
2. the file, if any, pertaining to the issue of that passport
3. the request/application to UK High Commission for visa (was the passport no. mentioned?)
4. the embarkation form filled by the passenger- what name and passport no. were cited?
5. the flight coupon name and passport no. and the passenger manifest
This episode suggests that there might have been an abuse of power by the officials concerned in the application for and issue of the passport, the request to UK High Commission for a visa, and the check in and emigration procedures.
A complaint to the Inspector General of Police and the Commission of Inquiry against Bribery and Corruption and a request for investigation is justified.
As offences under the Penal Code and the Bribery Act appear to have been committed, a refusal to investigate and/or to prosecute may be challenged by an appropriate writ application and/or a Fundamental Rights application.
A complaint to the Public Services Commission would also be justified.”