16 awards for
Leo Burnett
Entertainment galore at last night’s awards ceremony. |
Leo Burnett Solutions Inc (LBSI), the local office of the internationally acclaimed advertising agency netowork Leo Burnett, won 16 awards at the Chillies 2008 Advertising Awards ceremony held last night, a Leo Burnett press release said.
The agency won four silver and 12 Bronze awards. The release said a number of LBSI’s campaigns were awarded silver metals in some of the most coveted categories. Radio Silver for Mobitel’s “News Reader” Radio Commerical, TV Silver for Sri Lanka Insurance’s “Jag” TV commercial, Integrated Silver in Ambieent for ODEL’s “Harry Potter Magical Coffee Cup” and the integrated Silver in point of sale for ODEL’s “Harry Potter Magical Coffee” were among them, the agency release said.
At Chillies 2007, the agency obtained the most number of awards presented including a Gold award for its well crafted TV campaign for Good Knight, the press release added.
LBSI said that of special significance was the receipt of accolades from across a number of categories – print, radio, TV, and Integrated – which was also awarded to a diverse cross section of the agency’s clients including Mobitel, ODEL, Hilton Colombo, Sri Lanka Insurance, Hi Magazine, StageLight and Magic’s Pusswedilla, Kollu’s I feel pretty, and Navajeewana Rehabilitation Tangalle. |