LB Finance develops sports in local school
Finance company LB Finance has renewed its commitment to a progressive CSR initiative that would see the upliftment of sports activities in a needy local school with promising talent.
Situated in Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Revatha Royal College is a modest institution struggling against lack of resources to give its students every little luxury it can afford. The majority of its students come from poor families. The school provided little sports facilities to serve as after-school activities, leaving the students with no source of favourable activities to pass their time. That is where LB Finance stepped in, the company said.
"Our school is like a haven to most of our students. It is the place where they can get away from their everyday home environments," Ven.Kithalagama Hemasara, Principal of Sri Revatha Royal College, was quoted as saying in a LB Finance press release. "School is a place that affords them hope for a better future. While educational activities keep them busy during school hours, it has become apparent that their later hours are wasted in idling. This is where the development of school sports activities became a necessity."
When LB Finance stepped in, the school was trying to improve its sports facilities. Analyzing the requirement and assessing on what would be most advantageous to the students, considering both the physical, as well as, psychological benefits of sports, the company decided to first focus chiefly on uplifting the games–badminton, volley ball and chess. Sri Revatha Royal College enables education for approximately 500 students, and for the past two yrs it was a recipient of sports goods, provided by LB Finance; balls, nets, racquets, chess boards etc. The company's most recent contribution was the initiation of table tennis in the school.
"A brand new table, table tennis racquets, balls etc. have already been provided, and a voluntary coach guides the students in mastering the game," said a company spokesperson. "It's an interesting game and the students have been very keen on embracing it.”