Renton wins PATA’s Pinnacle Award -
the ‘Chairman’s Award 2008’
Renton de Alwis of Sri Lanka was awarded the ‘PATA Chairman’s Award of Recognition 2008’ at the PATA Foundation's Annual Charity Gala Dinner held on Sunday, at the Galle Face Hotel, in Colombo. The event was a part of the 57th Annual General Meeting of the Pacific Asia Travel Association and the Board of Directors Meetings held from the 4th to 7th April at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka Tourism said in a press release.
The award won by de Alwis, Chairman of Sri Lanka Tourism, Renton de Alwis is the pinnacle award. PATA Chairman 2007 / 2008 Brian Deeson in his citation of the ‘Chairman’s Award 2008’ said of Renton “ I am happy to make this award to a former staff member of PATA who has throughout the 90’s and in the present advised and guided me as a member of PATA. He has contributed several innovative programmes in travel and tourism in the Pacific Asia region over the years and continues to display the spirit of PATA in an exemplary manner.”
Deeson continued, “It is significant that this award is made in Colombo, where he is currently sharing his expertise in his motherland through Sri Lanka Tourism” |