Movie for the common man
Starring: Will Smith, Eva Mendes
Directed by: Andy Tenent
Here is a romantic comedy that has been recommended for men. Yes, guys, there are chick flicks capable of entertaining men! Or so they say!
Hitch is about a man who knows what works with women and teaches the guys who do not do well with them, some tricks of the trade. Actually, he more or less walks them through it. Hitch guarantees success up until the dreaded third date kiss. After that, they are on their own. Of course, Hitch finds a girl who he falls for and everything that he thinks he knows does not work out for himself, when following the same guidelines. It's expected but fun. I liked the little quips that Will Smith made very effectively. Nothing new to it but fun all the same.
Will Smith is perfect as Hitch. His performance here reminded me of a more mature, possibly grown up Fresh Prince Of Bel Air. He was the smooth talker and was able to read any situation for himself or his clients to make a memorable impression, then have a memorable date with the women his clients are affectionate towards. Sounds a little sleazy, but Hitch has his own rules. He does not help out the guys who want to "Hit it and quit it," so to speak, only those who really seem to like or love the woman they are after.
One thing the film never gets into is what Hitch makes for a job like this, as I wonder how much something like that could be worth in monetary value. But he lives well, if that's any inkling of how desperate the New York dating population probably is! Eva Mendes plays Sara, Hitch's love interest. She does quite a good job in her role here. Sara is the type of girl who is always on the defense when approached by men, therefore, is leery of any advances. Hitch reads her well and makes his way in, until she discovers what it is he actually does. For some reason, women tend to take offense to his "job."
Kevin James is also perfect as Albert, a man who is in love with a rich woman named Allegra Cole, but she does not know he exists. His expressions of nervousness and fright are hilarious. Heck, the movie is just a darn good one. Nothing too offensive, a bad word here or there but nothing major. Regardless of it's rating, I can honestly recommend Hitch to just about anyone and Will Smith rarely disappoints.
He said / She said: Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away.
Watch it if you liked: Love Actually
Movie Hall of Fame: No
Tagline: The cure for the common man. |