ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday April 27, 2008
Vol. 42 - No 48

When monkey tricks ain’t funny

Residents of Ambalangoda are being plagued by an invasion of monkeys in almost all wards of the town. The monkeys are plundering and destroying home gardens. They come in troupes of 10 to 15, swinging from tree to tree. They are bold and fearless, and they are not even intimidated by the sound of fire crackers.

The residents look on helplessly as the monkeys strip the fruit trees in their gardens. They go for papaya, mango, rambuttan, avocado and banana. Even jak, arecanut and coconut trees are not spared. They mess up the gardens, leap on the roofs and damage the tiles. They also perform acrobatic acts on electric cables and SLT telephone lines as they go from one place to another.

It is high time the authorities took action. The District Agricultural Committee, under the District Secretary, Galle, the Divisional Secretary, Ambalangoda and officials of the Wildlife Department should catch these animals and transfer them to the Sinharaja forest, where they will have ample food.

By Lionel Lekamwasam Leanage, Ambalangoda

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