Funday Times

The supremacy of the sea

Lakkanna Dandanayake, the Governor of Madhura was a person who bore the epithet, 'The Lord of the Southern Sea.' He is supposed to have taken tribute from Lanka. An inscription written in 1440 AD, bears witness to this fact. The Portuguese historian Nunis, too mentions this fact. He is of the opinion that a number of countries, including Lanka, had paid tribute to this lord. The Kannadi king, also had attacked Lanka, after the birth of Princess Ulakudayadevi and it is believed to be in the year 1432 AD.

Maintaining the highest standards

The quality of a product made in Sri Lanka is judged by the SLS mark – a product certification issued by the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) which is the national standards body of the country. Popularly known as the 'SLS Mark Scheme,' it gives a third party guarantee on quality of a product. The scheme enables the SLSI to grant permits to local as well as overseas manufacturers producing goods conforming to Sri Lanka Standards, to mark the 'SLS' mark on their products.

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