L - R Clint Marquet (Marketing Director IOTA), Kip Mcgrath (President IOTA), V. Walgamage (CEO, IOTA Lanka) and Andrea Nolan (Administration Manager, IOTA). |
Australian education is consistently ranked as one of the top systems in the world. With an Australian degree qualification any person can pursue opportunities in countries all over the world.
The Institute of Technology Australia (IOTA) has been delivering high-quality Australian higher education to students across the world. IOTA currently offers diplomas, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Business and Information Technology.
The Institute of Technology Australia Pty Ltd (IOTA) is accredited by the Queensland Minister for Education, Training and the Arts via the Office of Higher Education, Queensland (OHE). Queensland is a member of the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (www.inqaahe.org). The Institute of Technology Australia is listed on the Australian Qualifications Framework Register as an approved provider of higher education in Australia. All IOTA qualifications are recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework and globally accepted.
The Institute of Technology Australia (IOTA) is a global provider of high quality accredited Australian online tertiary education. IOTA has developed an online model of education that overcomes all barriers between students and a quality Australian degree. IOTA has made arrangements for Sri Lankan nationals to study for their programmes through its study support centre IOTA LANKA, at an affordable fee without leaving the country or leaving employment. Parents too could be happy because they can maintain parental control over the child as he or she is studying for the Bachelor Degree right from Sri Lanka.
IOTA Lanka offers Diplomas and Bachelor Degrees in Information Technology and Business Administration and Master Degrees in Business Administration, International Business and Information Systems.
All programmes provide participants with a structured, modular approach to study with alternative entry and exit points. In all the courses overall and flexible time frames allow students to tailor their course to suit their goals. IOTA programmes offer nested qualifications so that students can exit the course at interim periods with recognised qualifications. Any student enrolling for Bachelor Degree will earn a diploma on completion of first eight modules. On completion of next eight modules will qualify for associate degree and on completion of balance eight modules will qualify for the bachelor's degree. Any students enrolling for master degree will earn a graduate certificate on completion of first four modules. On completion of next four modules will qualify for the graduate diploma and on completion of balance four modules will qualify for the master's degree. These nested qualifications give students the flexibility to take a break from studies and come back to complete the degree at their convenience, or continue at a stretch and complete the study programme.
IOTA Lanka is helping students in Sri Lanka realise their dream of gaining a respected and internationally recognised degree at an affordable fee with flexible payment options.
IOTA Lanka is fully backed by eminent and well respected academics who hail from leading local and foreign universities. IOTA Lanka provide students with broadband internet access, face to face lectures, events to interact and a motivating learning environment.
IOTA Lanka is located in calm and quiet surroundings at Dehiwala ideal for learning with easy access by public transport and easy parking facilities for vehicles.
At the Institute of Technology Australia students can fit study in with their life, not the other way around. Obtain qualifications without the pressure of attending to a strict schedule and tailor his or her study program to suit other commitments. IOTA gives students the flexibility to design their study to suit the life they want.