As a right of reply Dr Maiya has clarified some issues that surfaced in my article of 7th June 2009. It is a good opportunity he has taken so that the readers are better informed of what is happening and what the interim body has been doing for the betterment of the game. In fact I am thankful to Maiya for the manner in which he has addressed the issues and always will remember that we have always had frank discussions, despite the fact that he seems to be going off the bend at moments of his reply.
It is well and good that you have come this far correcting the many issues that have surfaced with the constitution. I have always believed and written on the need to amend the constitution to reflect the need of the time. Kumar did a lot of work on the amendments which was first forwarded and discussed by the council in 2006. I remember there was much contribution by the Central Province as well as the Western Province in getting a draft document for further discussion in 2006. However for some unknown reasons this did not progress despite the then council appointing a committee to work the modalities for the voting system.
Dr. Gunasekera the chairman of the interim body in the meanwhile is on record again talking of rugby violence. It is good that this menace is recognized. The cause for concern is that violence will bring disrepute to the game. The damage violence is doing is creating a bad impression on parents.
They will not want their children to be associated with a game as this. It does not help when farce inquiries are held and the referee who was at the receiving end put on the dock. It is necessary for individuals who sit on judgmental boards to understand the simple procedure in conducting an inquiry on a referees report. They should take time to read the relevant section of the IRB regulations. Particularly to the one which reads “The Regulations relating to Standard of Proof have been prepared with Law 6-5 of the Laws of the Game in mind. It is essential to preserve the integrity of this Law and the referee’s position as sole judge of fact and law during the Match.” Dear Doc Maiya I find your right of reply a bit amusing and will tell you why? You have taken trouble to use the ineffective constitution to back the legitimacy of an Interim. Doc you were once appointed as President under the same constitution which is now criticized. At this time if you wanted to change it could have been a whole script change.
If there were loopholes, you could have amended those and elected to be the president. Having not done so you decide to criticize lock stock and barrel to justify a political appointment which has made you the custodian which has no acceptance beyond the seas as your public statements and right of reply suggests. The comment on the influence of Dilroy confirms all you have been trying to deny “no recognition beyond the Island boundaries”While not wishing to get into an argument I have to comment on the following paragraph which is inaccurate and give the reasons to rethink of what has been said. ‘As President of the Referees’ Society, you sat in the Council in the previous year, but you knew to sit in the Council you should have played major Division, National or Representative rugger according to the old Constitution, but you have done neither. It was I, when President of the Rugby Football Union in the late 90’s who brought in the clause to include the President or the Representative of the Referees’ Society to the Council and my best friend the late Mr. Mohamed Moosa who was the President of the Referee’s Society at the time, informed me that he is not coming to the Council since he has not played ‘A’ Division rugby and to send somebody who fitted into the requirements.
My dear Doc Maiya the Constitution was changed as approved by Ministry letter bearing reference 1/4/6/67 dated 23rd February 1999. I do not remember our Dear Friend Mr Moosa being president in 1999 or 2000. If my recollection is correct it was Brigadier Jayawardena who followed Mehta. Mr. Moosa was President first during the period 1993 /1994 and resigned office mid term due to a disagreement in the way a referee assault was handled by the SLRFU. You would possibly remember this incident the issues and the personalities involved. Subsequently the late Mr Moosa was President of the SLSRFR in 2005 and 2006 and sat as a council member. There are recorded minutes of this and also the fact is in the annual reports of those years.
The Amended clause of the constitution reads; ‘The President of the Referees society or It nominee as per section 1X -1 (a). On opinion sought the clause was interpreted and accepted on the presumption it refers to a President who is elected by its member and represents the referee’s society. If a nominee is appointed he has to conform to the need of section IX - 1(a). I have no way to get any confirmation of what the late Mr Moosa said but can confirm that he sat on the council.
What is required is for the representation of the referee’s society by those who lead the society. The trend in the world is for the recognition of the playing path being different to officiating. The need is to look ahead as in the case of the schools section. The draft prepared by Kumar Abeyewardene and discussed with the provinces recommended to remove the ambiguity by changing the clause to read in the same manner as applicable to the schools representative. That is the gift of seeing and was seen by Kumar and his committee. As we spread rugby will we continue to find players who have played at the higher level to manage the game in the provinces such as North Central, Uva, Sabaragamuwa, Ruhuna etc? The gift of seeing is to take these into consideration and incorporate checks and balances and not be guided by an inhibited law that may not be with the times.
The old constitution says, “The accounts of the Union shall be audited by a qualified Chartered Accountant who shall be a member of the Sri Lanka Institute of Accountants, Where in Sri Lanka has there been a Sri Lanka Institute of Accountants? The accounts have never been audited by a person as recognized by the constitution which you quote and sat to implement as a Former President.
Vimal Perera is a former Rugby Referee, coach and Accredited Referees Evaluator IRB |