Dharmakeerthie |
Manel Dharmakeerthie, South Asia’s most prominent Wushu International Judge and Referee, left for Kaohsiung in Taiwan to serve as “an Elite Panel Judge” in the Wushu Competition’s Sanshou [combat] event of the World Games 2009 being held from July 16-26, 2009. He is invited by the Technical Committee of International Wushu Federation [IWUF], the World Governing body for Wushu which has 120 member countries
. International World Games Association has allowed as players for the competition who won the bronze medals at the Wushu Competition of the Beijing Olympic in 2008.
Dharmakeerthie, the newly elected Secretary General of Wushu Federation of Sri Lanka [WFSL] after dissolving the Interim Committee, has officiated in 04 World Wushu Championships and 04 Sanshou World Cups previously as an Elite Panel International Judge. He is the Only South Asian Wushu International Judge and referee having this honour. He also officiated as a Judge at the Olympic Wushu Competition in Beijing last year. He is currently serves as the Secretary General of South Asian Wushu Federation [SAWUF] and also a Member of the Traditional Wushu Committee of Wushu Federation of Asia [WFA].