Fun day at Nuga Gama
Thirty lucky Funday Times club members spent an interesting morning at Nuga Gama Cinnamon Grand on June 23, 2012 at a workshop held in celebration of World Environment Day.

FT Club members celebrate World Environment Day at Nuga Gama
After the tour of Nuga Gama with Uncle Gamini, the kids had an interactive session with Aunty Tharika on how kids can make a difference when it comes to saving our planet. This was followed by some fun competitions such as ‘How long it takes to decompose’ and the ‘Hodiya game.’
After a yummy snack and an ice-cream treat, the winners were given their prizes by special guest Mrs. Sybil Wettasinghe, fondly called Sybil Nanda. This was followed by the prize-giving of the Power of Art Competition.
Sybil Nanda’s latest book ‘The Friendly Banyan Tree’ based on the 250 year old Banyan tree at Nuga Gama, was also launched at this ceremony and all the participants received a copy of this colourful book to take home.
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