IIT highly praised by a parent
Mrs Anoma Iddamalgoda
When offering employment, businesses no longer look at the existence of the required level of knowledge in a particular science or field. Instead businesses are on the lookout for those candidates that have an all round capability with individual knowledge in their specific field whilst at the same time having the ability to integrate their skills and be productive.
The Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT) through its BSc (Hons) Information Systems with Business Management Degree Programme from the University of Westminster, UK, seeks to offer just such an all round integrated study and degree programme.
Professional Banker, Consultant-Human Resource Development, Trainer and Resource Person, Mrs Anoma Iddamalgoda chose IIT as the higher education centre for her daughter for just these reasons.
“ The combination offered through the integration of Information Systems and Business Management is a professionally designed cross disciplinary course. In today’s world at least some working knowledge of IT is required in order to do anything in any field. The advanced course structure in this cross disciplinary structure enables students to receive a higher degree of expertise in both fields.” Said Mrs. Iddamalgoda.
Another important factor offered by IIT that convinced Mrs. Iddamalgoda to enroll her daughter was the instilling of corporate culture practices and values in students from an early stage. At IIT students are groomed to adapt to the working world from the very beginning. To this end soft skills development plays an integral role with students achieving tremendous progress in their presentation, research, strategy and analytical skills together with building up their team work and leadership skills.
In fact Mrs Iddamalgoda was of the opinion that she saw many positive changes in her daughter’s approach towards studying and education. Not only did she develop a structured and methodical manner in which to go about her studies, projects and other work but also adhered to those structures in a timely manner. She has also been able to commit to group work and group schedules, learning to work with various levels of students, voluntarily taking on leadership positions and overall demonstrating a love and passion for learning.
The third year placement programme was yet another important contributing factor for Mrs Iddamalgoda . This unique system is one that IIT is acclaimed for within the Industry and that has led to an assured career opportunity for the students on completion of their degree. The practical knowledge gained from this placement programme gives the students the ability to approach their fourth and final year work and project with an advanced and industry level application and view point. For this reason many final year projects done by students have won accolades and have been put into practice at many organizations over the years.
“Seeing the effect IIT has had on my daughter I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the Institute to anyone who would ask me just as I received countless recommendations from others” concluded Mrs. Iddamalgoda.
Mrs Anoma Iddamalgoda
Web: www.iit.ac.lk email: admissions@iit.ac.lk hot line: 0722 72 72 72