
The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Golden Jubilee of Rev Brother George De Silva


Rev Brother George de Silva celebrated his 50th year as a Christian Brother in the De la Salle Order at St Joseph’s Chapel, De La Salle College, Mutwal, last week. Holy mass was concelebrated by several of his priest contemporaries. A large congregation of Brothers of the De La Salle Community in Sri Lanka, his family members, his students both present and past, friends and well wishers attended this felicitation ceremony.
Born on October 8, 1943, in Kotahena, his parents were W. S. De Silva and Mrs. Mabel Liyanage. He studied first at St Benedict’s College Kotahena, and on admission to the Juniorate in 1958, continued at De La Salle College, Mutwal and at St Anthony’s, Wattala. He was in the Penang Novitiate for his religious formation in 1962, and took his first vows in Penang on January 8, 1964 and Perpetual vows at Mutwal on August 12, 1968. To further his religious formation he was selected for a programme called “Sangre” in St Francisco, USA in 1992.

He has been a teacher at De Mazenod College, Kandana, St Sebastian’s College, Moratuwa, at St Mary’s College, Chilaw and at St Anthony’s College, Wattala. Since retirement he has been at De Mazenod College, Kandana as Head Master A/L, Procurator and Prefect of the Boarding.
He later served as principal of St Mary’s College, Chilaw and St Anthony’s College, Wattala.

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