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Home » ColumnsGovt. maintains focus on diplomatic battles against external forces

For a second week in succession, matters relating to the conduct of the country’s foreign policy preoccupied the Government. Last Sunday, Sri Lanka’s envoys overseas wrapped up a two-day workshop that helped them learn the new thinking of the UPFA leaders with regard to a multitude of issues related to external relations. Most emphasis was [...]
Killers on highways: Private bus drivers without licence
With so much of other work to do, it is not always that the police keep a tab on private bus drivers. There are occasions when drivers of state-run buses, during their off days, moonlight as private bus drivers. That may not be an offence, one might say. But what of the private bus drivers [...]
Justice straight from the jungle

My Dear AG-to-be, I thought I must write to you because you are to be appointed as the country’s top legal officer at a time when there is a crime wave and everyone is complaining that there is no law and order in the country. So, even though everyone will be rushing to congratulate you [...]
The India-China balancing act
Two events this week brought into focus a delicate diplomatic balancing act that has been assuming increasing importance in recent times. The first function, held at the BMICH, was to commemorate two important mileposts in the history of Sri Lanka-China relations – the 55th anniversary of the establishing of diplomatic relations between the two states, [...]
Containing fiscal deficit: The tough task ahead

The Finance Ministry’s resolve to achieve the fiscal deficit target of 6.2 per cent of GDP is indeed a tough task. It is likely to increase to more than 7 per cent of GDP this year. Recurrent expenditure is continuing to increase significantly, while revenue expectations are not likely to be realised. The fiscal deficit [...]
Impossible fairy tales about the
It is quite inane for government officials to say that no politician influences the police. Even in this land of impossible fairy tales, with proposed airports, cricket stadiums and expressways jostling each other in flagrant mockery of commonsense while basic governance flounders from the management of the economy, the pitiable state of education and the [...]