
The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

“Sisunena” seminar series by CA Sri Lanka expand the knowledge of the students


The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) in keeping with its role as the country’s national accounting body has successfully spearheaded a series of seminars under its “Sisu nena” programme in its continuing endeavor to enlighten and expand the knowledge of students in the commerce stream.

The seminar series delivered by a panel of experts was held across various parts of the country covering all the districts and even the commercial capital of Colombo targeting GCE Advance Level students in the commerce stream.
The seminar delved in detail the Sri Lanka Accounting Standards that are applicable for the G C E Advanced Level examination.Due to the topical subjects covered in the seminars, the demand for these seminars is constantly increasing and steps have been taken to cover most schools located in every district across the country.

Recently two “Sisunena” seminars were held in Embilipitiya and Ampara on 28th June and 3rd July 2012 by famous lecturers Mr. T Dharmarajah and Mr. Gayan Mapitiya at President College, Embilipitiya and at DMH Institute, Ampara , with an impressive participation of over 600 Commerce Stream students.

Mr. Kumara Jayasooriya, Accounting lecturer at DMH Institute said that through “Sisunena seminar series, students are not only given the
necessary knowledge to face the examinations with confidence but the seminars are also a platform to these students encouraging and edifying them to choose their line of profession wisely.

Ms. Ganga Kumari who has become the first in the Commerce stream at GCE A/L Examination held in August 2011 in Ampara District emphasized that she was able to become the first in the island rank at the Certificate Level I Examination held in March 2012 in English medium since she was offered a full scholarship from the Institute and she asked the students to commence the CA study programme just after Advanced Level examination in order to reach the zenith of their career.

She further emphasized that students who follow chartered accountancy at the CA Sri Lanka had the advantage of being knowledgably equipped both practically and theoretically, apart from the general knowledge gained which is required to survive in today’s competitive business context.
She added that through the education gained at the CA Srilanka, reaching the highest echelon in the corporate world was not an impossibility as an impressive number of chartered accountants today hold high-end positions in the corporate world in the likes of CEO, CFO, Finance Director and Director, Managers and many other senior level positions in the management level.

Ms. Kumari concluded by saying that students should not waste their precious years in confusion but should instead consider a career path in the most sought after profession in the world today, which guarantees a job placement in any part of the world.

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