Art therapy for traumatised youth in Kashmir valley

‘There is a reflection of anger, rage and depression in Kashmiri art,’ says Dena Lawrence, an Australian art psychotherapist, who this week displayed art work by her students in a Srinagar college. Black was the predominant colour in almost all the paintings. The programme, ‘A Path with Art: Expressing Untold Kashmir’ attracted a large number [...]
Calls for tough UN action after Syria massacre
DAMASCUS, Saturday (AFP) – Peace envoy Kofi Annan said today Syria had “flouted” Security Council resolutions with mass killings in Treimsa village, as UN chief Ban Ki-moon demanded that the Council act to stop the bloodshed. Activists said about 150 people were killed in what the Syrian opposition charged was a massacre by regime forces [...]
Riding high!
US fashion model, actress, and Kingfisher Calendar Girl Nargis Fakhri looks on while taking part in the Kingfisher pre-derby event at a hotel in Bangalore on July 13. The Kingfisher silver jubilee Derby was held at the Bangalore Turf Club yesterday. In an interview with the Indian news agency DNA, Nargis Fakhri who is only a [...]
Chavez: Venezuela is no threat, Obama is a ‘good guy’
CARACAS, Saturday (Reuters) – President Hugo Chavez denied today that Venezuela was a threat to anyone, after U.S. presidential hopeful Mitt Romney criticised Barack Obama for playing down the risk posed by the socialist leader. Obama told a Spanish-language television station in an interview screened this week that Chavez’s actions over recent years had not [...]
Bollywood star ‘killed’ by stepfather
The mystery over Laila Khan appears to be a heady mix of sex, lies and jealousy. Add to them property worth crores of rupees and it has all the ingredients of a Bollywood potboiler. A day after the Mumbai Police crime branch claimed to have found six skeletons from the Bollywood starlet’s Igatpuri farmhouse in [...]
When British girls went on husband-hunting in the Raj

Cleaving their way through the sapphire waters of the Indian Ocean, the ships bore their cargo into port. Whether at Colombo, on the island of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) or one of the Indian ports such as Madras, Calcutta or Bombay, the cargo was the same: hordes of eager young women, sweltering in the corsets, [...]
Bye-bye Desktop, hello Metro!

Gone is the Start Menu. Gone is the Desktop. Instead, applications, widgets and social network updates appear in the form of a mosaic of tiles. Everything is touch-friendly, as you swipe across screens to access more tiles and more tiles. This is the new version of Windows, and it is almost ready for prime-time, with [...]
Gitmo inmates given dangerous drugs

Guantanamo Bay inmates were ‘injected with mind altering drugs and interrogated’ according to Pentagon report Guantanamo Bay prisoners were interrogated while being dosed up on ‘mind altering drugs’, according to a secret Pentagon report released under Freedom of Information laws. The two-year probe by the Pentagon’s inspector general into the use of anti-psychotic medication during [...]
Goodbye to dentist
A new chemical could make human teeth ‘cavity proof’ – and do away with the need for visits to the dentists forever. The molecule has been called ‘Keep 32′ – after the 32 teeth in a human mouth. The chemical was designed by dentists in Chile, and wipes out all the bacteria that cause cavities [...]
Whitening cream: Fair deal for India’s women?
Cosmetics for Indian women are assuming unhealthy tones.A recent Indian advertisement for Clean and Dry, a vaginal wash which promises women fairer private parts, has led to an outcry among many in the country. The television ad shows a woman unhappy in the company of her husband, as he seems more interested in the morning [...]
US Presidential race: Will Condi be Romney’s running mate?
The buzz around Condoleezza Rice becoming Mitt Romney’s vice-presidential running mate has increased significantly after internet pioneer Matt Drudge reported that she is ‘near the top’ of his shortlist. Mr. Romney could name his running mate as early as next week, significantly before the traditional time of just before the party convention in late August. [...]
Revolutionising Arab economies

ISTANBUL – The ongoing showdown in Egypt between the country’s Islamists and its military rulers is a clear reminder of how difficult democratic transitions in the Arab world are likely to be. Obviously, failure to reach a power-sharing agreement will prolong political instability. But the resulting economic inaction would be just as damaging to the [...]