Home » ColumnsBreaking News: Rupavahini pockets public funds donated for tsunami relief

The Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, the country’s national television network with the widest outreach, has caused raised eyebrows among Parliamentarians in the Committee on Public Enterprises (COPE), the watchdog body that monitors finances in the state sector. The reason will no doubt raise many an eyebrow among the public too. The SLRC called for public [...]
UNP power struggle ends in Ranil’s favour;Sajith missing at crucial meeting

It was a week studded with events that qualified for a major chapter in Sri Lanka’s political history for both the main opposition and the ruling UPFA government. That it came against the backdrop of elections to three provincial councils – the North Central, Sabaragamuwa and the Eastern – on September 8 added more significance [...]
No quorum: Opposition fire sparks Government fury
An offhand remark by UNP Kalutara district Parliamentarian Ajith P. Perera last Wednesday that “people may set Parliament on fire” triggered an angry response from the Government. However, while no one wants to see Parliament gutted to the ground, it’s timely, for MPs to ponder why it became necessary for such a remark to be [...]
Losing face to get a leg up
My Dear Rauff, I thought I must write to you this week because you are in the news once again, all because of wanting to contest the elections in the Eastern province on your own, after announcing that you would be contesting with the Blues only a day earlier.What is refreshing about this, Rauff, is [...]
Economic summit bares the truth: Good governance key to economic development

The economy can grow at a rapid sustained level only by expanding the tradable sector, increasing exports and attracting non-debt creating foreign inflows. And for these to be achieved there should be increased domestic and foreign investment that in turn requires good governance, law and order. This was the message loud and clear from the [...]
The die is cast for the Lankan judiciary
Akin to the 18th Amendment to the Constitution which had been brewing for quite some time before it was actually passed by a supine Parliament, the uproar in Mannar over the burning of the courts last week was certainly predictable, despite those who threw up their hands in horrified surprise. Displaying of executive contempt Exponentially [...]