Kids’ World
My flower garden I have a flower garden at home. It is in front of my house. There are some trees too. There are different kinds of flowers. They are roses, sunflowers, shoeflowers, jasmines, bougainvillea and marigolds. The flowers give a nice smell and look pleasant. There is a pond too. There are purple and [...]
Get ready… set… go!
The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) has designed an exciting new Games Go Global Badge to help members around the world learn more about the Olympic Games and the UK’s incredible sporting and cultural heritage. Here are a few activities from the Games Go Global Badge activity pack… London Bus Relay [...]
A rainforest is a home, For animals of all kinds, When you go there you will feel, Like you’re trapped in magical binds. Birds chirping above your head, Squirrels and deer running free, Rabbits bounding here and there, Monkeys jumping from tree to tree. Just think that in a rainforest, How many wonders that you’ll [...]
Forming a Funday Times English Club

It was like a flower that bloomed in the desert when kids of St. Philip Neri’s College, formed a Funday Times English Club on March 27 at our school. There were 37 children selected from Grades 5 – 11, who became members. This was organized under the instructions given by English teachers Mr. Richard Perera [...]