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Public servants, industry praise FutureGov SAARC Summit 2012


FutureGov SAARC Summit 2012 hosted in Colombo recently has� evinced much praise from public servants and industry.
Foremost among the plaudits that the two-day event evoked was the tribute made by Presidential Secretary Lalith Weeratunga.
At the very beginning of his keynote address at the inauguration of the event Presidential Secretary� indicated that the FutureGov Summit 2012 provided an ideal forum for experts , practitioners and private sector service providers for exchanging views on the new developments in the public sectors in Sri Lanka and� in the region. Placing in correct perspective the event which was simultaneously the third FutureGov Forum� and the first FutureGov SAARC Summit held� in Sri Lanka the Presidential Secretary said : “I was present on two previous occasions for FutureGov Conferences in 2008 and 2010 as well. I have seen the event’s remarkable ability to create an effective forum for governance. It provides an ideal forum for experts, practitioners and private sector service providers for exchanging views on new developments in the public sectors in Sri Lanka and in the region”.

The second day morning of the conference also� added more feathers to the cap of FutureGov SAARC Summit 2012. That was when Public Management Reforms Minister Navin Dissanyake,� and MP Dr. Harsha De Silva� came on stage for the most anticipated panel of the Summit moderated by Laurence Millar.� The very presence of the two parliamentarians and� their� participation in the animated debate on “ICT for Government reforms” spoke eloquently of their� eulogy for the FutureGov SAARC Summit 2012. The introductory and concluding remarks of the two eminent personalities, distinguished as they are in their separate fields, law and economics left no doubt about their high praise for the FutureGov SAARC Summit 2012.� “Forums like this will help� healthy dialogue on Governance”� both MPs� corroborated.

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