Foam Mousepad

You will need: l Craft Foam l Non-Slip Shelf Liner (Non-Adhesive Shelf Liners) l Permanent Markers l Plain, White Paper (Newspaper) l Craft Glue l Scissors Optional: Embellishment Objects such as sequins, stickers, rhinestones, wiggle eyes Instructions: Cut a piece of non-slip shelf liner the same size as the craft foam. Cover one whole side [...]
Kids’ World
Myself My name is Nethmi. I am six years old. I go to Buddhist Ladies College. I am in Grade One. I like fruits. Nethmi Basnayake, (6 years), Buddhist Ladies’ College My pet My pet is a cat. Its name is Kitty. It likes to eat rice. It likes to drink milk. Its nose is brown. Its [...]
Introducing Silva the Lion!
Every sports tournament has its own mascot. So what would the Sri Lanka Premier League (SLPL) be without its very own ‘icon face’? Introducing Silva the Lion! Sri Lanka’s first ever premier league is set to commence on August 10, 2012, bringing in players from several cricket-playing nations, while also showcasing some of the best talents [...]