Funday Times Articles, Competitions, With Members’ Gallery, It’s so wonderful To see that, It’ s the Funday Times!! Interesting stories, To read, Meaningful poems To recite, It’s Funday Times!! Wow!! It’s nice, Also wonderful, Maths and Science, The work for the brain, It’s Funday Times!! Amazing!! Just Inside the paper Beautiful background, With colourful pictures, [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Kids’ Corner


Funday Times

Articles, Competitions,
With Members’ Gallery,
It’s so wonderful
To see that,
It’ s the Funday Times!!

Interesting stories,
To read,
Meaningful poems
To recite,
It’s Funday Times!!

Wow!! It’s nice,
Also wonderful,
Maths and Science,
The work for the brain,
It’s Funday Times!!

Amazing!! Just
Inside the paper
Beautiful background,
With colourful pictures,
It’s Funday Times!!

Ashley Abisham (12 years),�Good Shepherd College,�Batticaloa

What is nature?

Nature is the most
powerful thing in the world.
It can beautify the world and it can destroy the world too.
No one can stop the
eruption of volcanoes.
No one can control the
earthquakes, cyclones,
tsunamis and droughts. There is no person to give rain to the worst affected areas of drought. Therefore, we must not destroy the natural resources to fulfill our selfish needs.
We must stop felling trees, unlawful sand mining and destroying corals. We must love nature and protect it. Then only nature will love us. Otherwise it will punish us.

Shynie Peiris (Grade 5),�Holy Family Primary School,�Wennappuwa

The paper that I admire most

My best newspaper is Funday Times circulated with the Sunday Times. I like it because it is colourful, and has competitions, poems, essays, art and world history.

Funday Times has been in Sri Lanka for 12 years. The paper has catered to different ages of children on its anniversaries. I wish good luck for the paper. I would like to see the paper helping children in our country many more years. I wish the staff members of Funday Times who have been very helpful to us, giving us the opportunity to improve our talents, all the very best.

My family members read the Funday Times with great interest. My brother and I look forward to see the paper every Sunday. Even my small brother who is five years old sends art to the paper. My brother and I have been continuously sending articles and art to the Funday Times. We are very thankful for publishing them.

We have won many awards from these competitions.My brother and I thank Funday Times for the opportunity to
gather knowledge at Nuga Gama. We learnt a lot of things on the Nuga Gama trip. Also we cannot forget the
wonderful Christmas party that Funday Times organized for children at Excel World.

We will not forget the golden name ‘Funday Times.’

Savindu Herat (Grade 6),�Royal Int. School,�Kurunegala

My favourite newspaper

On every Sunday morning,
I get the paper Funday Times,
It is the paper,
Which is cheaper.

It gives us a lot of information,
And we can write to competitions,
It’s very fun,
If we can win,
Because it’s easy,
But you’ll be busy.

In every nook there’s a quiz,
And we can read all the news,
I really like painting pictures,
But improve us sending articles.

You can be a member in Funday Times Club,
And then your craziness you can give a rub,
Even if you like to write essays to
‘Kids’ World’,
It will be good and we can read.

So dear friend I welcome you,
Try as best and hard as you can,
Buy Funday Times from today,
Read it well and improve yourself.

Dewmini Sirithunga (12 years),�Sacred Heart Convent, Galle

My favourite author

My favourite author is Enid Blyton. She has written Famous Five, Secret Seven, and many other stories. She was born on August 11,1897 in Great Britain. She studied at Ipswich High School.

Enid Blyton was a prolific author of short stories. She was voted the best loved author. My favourite book of Enid Blyton is Famous Five. Her home was Green Hedges. She died on November 28, 1968.

Dineth Keragala (10 years),�Trinity College, Kandy

My school

My school is WP/MT. Indigasthuduwa K.V. It is a small school and it is a mixed school. Still there is not a good educational background.

The principal of my school is Venerable Sumana Ransi Thero. This Thero came to our school last year. He has made a great change in the school. He is trying to keep us in a healthy environment.

There are pretty flower beds in the school garden. Also there are fascinating vegetable beds. They give a good harvest. Now the school is very beautiful.

Now the Thero is trying to create an educational environment in the school. Now the number of pupils in our school has increased. I’m sure in the near future my school will be an interesting school in education also.

Chasun Malshan (Grade 8),�Indigasthuduwa K.V., Meegama

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