Playing till his fingers bled
When Vidhu Jayawardene was six years old, he would wait impatiently for his grandfather to retire for his afternoon siesta. He would tiptoe into his grandfather’s room, pick up his most prized possession- his guitar- and then spend a delicious ten minutes plucking at the strings before replacing it. “Now I look back on it,” [...]
Sister act wins out at Law College dance show

A dance competition was recently organised by the students of the Sri Law College. The college’s Sinhala Union students were behind the initiation of the programme which was held at the Law College auditorium. The programme titled “Thalarangi” was held last month with the chief guest being Dr. W D Rodrigo, Principal of the Law [...]
The pancake boy
There’s was a little boy we used to see at the grocery shop near our house. He is usually there in the evenings holding a red plastic bowl on the top of his head. When you turn his way , he looks at you pleadingly and begs you to buy the pancakes in his bowl. [...]
Magician’s Tool Box take top prize at Onstage
The finalists of the TNL Onstage Competition held recently at the Vihara Maha Devi Amphitheatre battled it out with some great performances that thrilled a packed crowd. After a hard fought battle the band Magician’s Toolbox was adjudged the best band of the evening . In the soloists’ category , the performance by vocalist Melissa [...]
A celebration of diverse musical genres
It promises to be an event quite unlike any the city has seen before. Sprawling over 4 days and 16 different locations, the ‘Senses and Soul’ Colombo Music Festival 2012 will bring together over a 100 exceptionally gifted artistes from 17 countries. A diversity of genres – from grunge to classical – will offer up [...]
Straight drive to down under glory

With the whirlwind of the Olympics, the Sri Lanka Premier League and the approaching Twenty20 World Cup capturing most of our attention, it is easy to lose sight of another sensational stage for young talent: The ICC Under 19 World Cup. The marquee junior cricket tournament, which kicked off in Australia, poses a unique opportunity [...]