Mad about Muesli?

“It’s a family business,” says Thamara Yasmin Spitzner, using her gloved hands to combine an assortment of ingredients in a bowl of muesli. Into the mix go all sorts of good things – sweet, chewy dried pineapple, crunchy walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds, honey coated banana slices, sour little cubes of dried mango and pieces of [...]
He realised an 8-5 job was not his style
Only 26 years old, but already it looks as though Prassanna Pathmanathan is treading the path to creative entrepreneurial success. A chartered marketer, graduate and gold medalist of the University of Westminster, he recently won the prestigious Young Creative Entrepreneur Award 2012 in recognition of his talents. Prassanna is not only the first male to [...]
‘No one sees the tears, hard work’
Friends and family sitting in the audience burst into laughter when they heard the question Sabrina Herft would have to answer. The five finalists were facing off on a Q&A, one of the final rounds of the Lux Siyatha Miss Sri Lanka for Miss Universe. Reading from a tiny slip, the host of the evening [...]
Mirror Magazine
More than words

“Good words are worth much, and cost little” – George Herbert said that. Now this might hold true in most situations in life, but when it comes to Scrabble, there is no such thing as words costing little. In fact, the players will squeeze every last possible point out of that word. Welcome to a world [...]
Step back into the 90’s
Whizz back in time to the last two decades of the former millennium this Friday at 80’s and 90’s night at the Colombo Swimming Club. Organizers Anil Balasuriya and DJ Nitesh Ghavri are looking forward to take what they call a ‘non-clichéd’ trip back in time, with music that is both nostalgic and original from [...]
Her song
Her name is pronounced ‘Neeve’ and in Irish mythology her namesake is the daughter of the sea god. “She was in her own right the Queen of the land of eternal youth. Who doesn’t like the sound of that?” asks Niamh Evans, smiling. At just 15, the young singer and songwriter has signed with the [...]
Caught on camera
‘Dance in a Trance’, an exhibition of choreographed motion caught in time by veteran photographer Henry Rajakaruna is to be held from Saturday, August 18 – 20 Mr. Rajakaruna is perhaps one of the country’s most experienced and recognized photographers, having won numerous awards for his work both here and abroad. These 50 photographs that [...]
The kids are alright

The Piccolinis-literally translated as ‘the little ones’ stole the show recently at Peshali Yapa’s ‘Call It What You Want’. The kids were absolutely adorable, clutching teddy bears and seated cross-legged on the floor. One knows that when you put adorable kids into the equation their singing capabilities hardly matter-but the Piccolinis rose to the task [...]
Full on festival
With the ‘Senses and Soul’ Colombo Music Festival just days away, festival founder and director Haadia Galely tells the Mirror Magazine that everything is falling into place. It’s an exciting time as artists begin to arrive and the last of the tickets go on sale. A festival on this scale is still something so new [...]
Vocal Enigma unites singers from all walks of life

It goes without saying a choral group that constantly makes an apparently easy shift between musical genres of the 18th and 21st centuries, is something of an enigma to its audience. It is on this strength that Sri Lanka’s newest choral group- Vocal Enigma- plans to make waves in the choral music scene, beginning with [...]
TV Times
‘Damage’ excels at ‘Battle of the Bands 2012’
Popular Sri Lankan band ‘Damage’ was selected as one of the Top 10 Bands performing in Dubai at the recently concluded ‘Battle of the Bands 2012’ in Dubai, UAE. ‘Damage’ adjudged to the Dubai Top Ten list after competing among hundreds of bands performing in the UAE at the concluded ‘Battle of the Bands 2012’, [...]
‘The Waves’ opened at Water Park in Trinco
‘The Waves’ is the newest restaurant opened in the newly built Water Park in Uppuveli, Trincomalee. ‘The Waves’ is a specialised sea food restaurant with casual and fine dining sections. It caters for anybody, who are looking for a tasty meal that’s hygienic and yummy. It offers an array of dishes; rice and curry with [...]
Sri Lankan talent in Japanese cinema ‘Final Judgment’
Featuring young Sri Lankan actress Umali Tillakaratne in a leading role, one of the newest Japanese movies ‘Final Judgment’ is to be released in Sri Lanka from August 30. The film is to be released at Liberty cinema Colombo while two other copies subtitled in Sinhala and Tamil are to be released in Colombo and [...]
GDL’s creations on DVDs
G. D. L. Perera who introduced a large number of artistes to Sri Lankan theatre, television and cinema through his ‘Kalapela’, an academy in Kandy made several unforgettable films and stage productions to the Sri Lankan audience. Perera who is popularly known as GDL who was residing in England for a long time and is [...]
September brings SIGNIS Salutation
One of the much awaited felicitation ceremonies to recognise talents in television and cinema, SIGNIS (OCIC-UNDA) Salutation will be held on September 1 at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall. Held for the 36th time, the head of the Sri Lankan Catholic church, Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith will be the chief guest at the festival in [...]
“Sri Lanka Isle of Paradise” A souvenir pack from Noel
Noel Brian Ranasinghe is the only musician to perform ‘Live’ on a ‘float’ during an Independence Day Parade while he is also the first to be decorated receiving National Colours or Crest. His live in flight performance from USA via Europe, Asia to Sri Lanka is also a first in the music history of this [...]
‘Dangaya’ and ‘Punchi Andare’ in Battaramulla
“Dangaya” and “Punchi Andare”, a joint theatrical production of Yashodhara Sarachchandra and Kusumsiri Liyanarachchi will be staged at 3.30 pm and 6.30 pm on August 25 at Battaramulla Janakala Kendraya. The two children’s plays are played by a host of theatre artistes including Sunil Thilakaratne, Jayanath Handara, Pradeep Ramavikrama, Pramila Samarakoon, Kalum Kalhari Gamlath, Madhuranga [...]
‘Boralu Para’ A plot on a policeman with principle
At a time when the police service and the role of the policeman has been often criticised, a teleplay portraying the humane nature of those dressed up in khaki uniform will be highlighted in ‘Boralu Para’ which is directed by an award winning director Janaka Suranjith. Telecast at 9 pm from Sunday to Thursday from [...]
Discover the reality of life at Cocoon

Over a hundred years ago, the hill in the midst of the former cinnamon plantation was given a name by the local inhabitants. They christened it, ‘Sumanagiri’- the silent mountain. Today, this land of Sumanagiri, stretched over 8 ½ acres has metamorphs into Cocoon Resort & Villas. This flagship property is tucked away in Induruwa, [...]
Kids Fun Ride on The Colombo City Tour Hop on board for a memorable experience…
The Colombo City Tour, a venture by Sri Lanka Tourism and Ebert Silva Holidays have once again organized exciting city tours for kids and family coinciding with the school holidays. These unique tours in Colombo, Sri Lanka’s foremost city of old and new, will give a rare educative and fun filled experience on board the [...]
Cinnamon Lakeside splashes Gourmet Burgers
Cinnamon Lakeside’s splash burgers create an explosion of flavours by the Poolside during the holiday season.The sumptuous burger feast covers a variety of succulent burgers from chicken, lamb and meat seasoned to perfection. The homemade burger patties, topped with a bed of lettuce, freshly cut slices of tomatoes, rings of onions and gherkins are accompanied [...]