Power to Appuhamy
Power cuts affecting everyday life? Not for Durand Appuhamy who having switched to solar power, says the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) and their power cuts can go jump in the Kelani River.�Mr. Appuhamy had a solar power system installed at his residence in Negombo, enabling him to move away from the main grid. The system [...]

Think plastic or swim
Drastic events need drastic action! That is what I always say when I’ve had a beer,or two. They have been sinking for years, not the…
Letters to the Editor
Is our country going off the rails? After protests by residents, environmentalists and politicians, the Government abandoned its idea of building two internal airports in…
Saluting the gentleman who trained generations of officers, sailors M. G. S. Perera� Instructor Commander M. G. S. Perera – the first Training Officer (then…

A walk through the temples of Kathmandu
Look out the plane window at the right moment and the sight of the Himalayas lining the distant horizon will take your breath away. Wreathed…

Talking crocs
They have been around since the time of the dinosaurs – and even though the dinosaurs have been…

Eid ul Fitr: A festival of joy, thanksgiving and reflection
With the sighting of the new crescent on the horizon heralding the new lunar month of Shawwal and…
T20-gastronomically speaking
Cricket is the order of the day, what with the ongoing T20 Sri Lankan Premier League and the…

When Tropical Hut went red and white
It was a relaxed informal atmosphere for the celebrations of Swiss National Day organised by the Swiss Circle…
‘Handa’ makes a big noise
Quality magazines produced in Sri Lanka are a rare commodity. This is true particularly of the Sinhala ones…
With a song in their hearts Thomian choir looks beyond our shores
“Let all the world in every corner sing”, the sound of the S. Thomas’ College Mount Lavinia choir…

Let us play our role in the Asian renaissance of the 21st century
Considering the name of the most recent book launched on Sri Lankan art, ‘The Power of Sri Lankan…
People and events
India and Pakistan celebrate 66th Independence Day Eucharistic Rally after half a century A Eucharistic Rally will…
Everyone is normal except the lost
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. Or so the poet observed. I’d say women and…