Prime Grameen Micro Finance a fully fledged finance company ties up with OpenArc Systems to facilitate their financial system application requirement. Prime Grameen selected the totally integrated finance software solution offered by OpenArc for the automation of their business operations covering Savings, Deposits, Micro Finance Loans and on-line integrated general Ledger of InBank 2012 and [...]


Prime Grameen ties up with OpenArc for Micro Finance Software Solution

OpenArc Systems is the No: 1 application software and service provider in Sri Lanka in the Leasing, Merchant Banking & Finance markets and it holds 75% market share in Sri Lanka. OpenArc is determined to provide the best support services to its clientele with its life time guarantee.

Prime Grameen Micro Finance a fully fledged finance company ties up with OpenArc Systems to facilitate their financial system application requirement.

Signing of software contract between Prime Grameen Micro Finance (PGMF) and OpenArc Systems Management (OSM) standing in picture from left Mr. Sanjaya Liyanawatte - Director Operations of PGMF, Mr. Priyalal Arangala - Director MIS/Compliance of PGMF, Mr. Ruwan Gallage - Director of PGMF, Mr. Chaminda Prabhath - Director/CEO of PGMF, Mr. Daya Hettiarachchi - Chairman/CEO of OSM, Mr. Vijith Sinhabahu - Director of OSM and Mr. Prabhath Nedurana - General Manager of OSM.

Prime Grameen selected the totally integrated finance software solution offered by OpenArc for the automation of their business operations covering Savings, Deposits, Micro Finance Loans and on-line integrated general Ledger of InBank 2012 and SkyMicro 2012 which OpenArc has integrated. Prime Grameen selected OpenArc Systems Management as their long term IT partner to supply and implement InBank 2012 solution after careful evaluation of proposals made by many software companies. The evaluation was based on system functionality, technology used, past experience, software development standards and methodologies, and the strength of professional staff of OpenArc.

Prime Grameen, established in 2000, is the flag ship micro finance operator in Sri Lanka. By introducing commercial micro finance, Prime Grameen opened path ways for enterprising but small scale entrepreneurs of Sri Lanka to come up in their business endeavors. Prime Grameen is a fully fledged finance company duly registered and licensed to obtain public deposits, by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Since the acquisition of the giant institution, Ceylinco Grameen, by Prime Lands Ltd., the undisputed market leader in the Real Estate industry, the resulting synergy created resurgence, providing new vistas for the enterprising rural people of Sri Lanka.

OpenArc Systems is the No: 1 application software and service provider in Sri Lanka in the Leasing, Merchant Banking & Finance markets and it holds 75% market share in Sri Lanka. OpenArc is determined to provide the best support services to its clientele with its life time guarantee. This has been possible with its very strong human resource pool that has been built up by OpenArc through its own IT Education arm; OpenArc School of Business & Technology.

Mr. Daya Hettiarachchi CEO of OpenArc Systems mentioned that the ‘Prime Grameen Micro Finance business process is a unique featured software application requirement compared to other applications we have implemented. We at OpenArc system took the challenge very positively. With the experience in the finance software industry over two decades, primarily as a successful product based company, OpenArc has captured the market leadership in Sri Lanka for their products in many sectors and earned a reputation as a long term quality IT service provider. OpenArc specializes in business software for Merchant Banking & Finance, Stock markets, Manufacturing & Trading sectors and develops totally integrated Sri Lankan software solutions on current technology platforms such as Java, .Net, Progress, and Open Source’

OpenArc specializes in Open architecture software solutions and the newest ‘SkyMicro’ microfinance solution which is part of ‘SkyBank’ core banking solution developed by OpenArc is completely an Open Architecture solution that runs on Open Source databases such as Postgre. This gives great opportunity for OpenArc customers to run their software independent of databases, without having to bother about licensing issues while enjoying cost advantages; he further explained the advantages of OpenArc software.

OpenArc is an ISO 9001:2000 quality certified and CMMI Level III Assessed software company with a professional team qualified in multidisciplinary industrial sectors such as Engineering, IT, Accountancy and Management.

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