AOD Graphic Designers meet the creative brains behind Google, Nokia and Sony
View(s):Along with World’s Top Illustrators and Animation Pros at Kyoorius DesignYatra in India Sri Lanka’s International design Campus – AOD is renowned as the institute the produces country’s top young graphic design graduates in par with international standards. In addition to training their graphic students with an international faculty, AOD also directs them towards opportunities to learn from and mingle with world’s top professionals in the graphic, illustration, animation and advertising industries.

AOD Graphic students at Kyoorius in India
AOD graphic students recently attended one of Asia’s best known conferences and ad fests – Kyoorius Design Yatra in Goa, India. At the festival, AOD’s budding young graphic designers got the chance to listen to and mingle with some of the best known creative minds in the planet. This included Rob Wong – the creative chief of the world’s most valued search engine, Google. The Japanese motion graphics legend listed among the top 50 creative minds in the planet – Masashi Kawamura who designed Sony’s most successful campaign and the creative director of the celebrated brand Nokia. Other prominent speakers like Bill Launderman who revolutionised brands like Revlon,
Palmolive and Colgate, World’s top brand installation maker Joachim Sauter of ART+COM also shared their expertise with the students.

Kyoorius Exhibition with Print, technology and publishing industries
The students also attended illustration and design entrepreneurship workshops conducted by international professionals while they also got the opportunity to show their work and portfolios to the likes of Barry Schwartz (Creative Director of ADDIKT) and receive their constructive feedback.

2012 Kyoorius theme was ‘The Divide’
Since the inception of the complete Northumbria UK Graphic design degree in Sri Lanka, AOD has been consistent in providing internationally qualified graphic, animation and illustration professionals to the advertising, print, publishing and media industries. These outstanding graduates are valued by industries because of their knowledge of design strategy, campaign construction, publishing and supportive crafts like photography, illustration, typography and animation, opposed to the average professionals offering only software knowledge. AOD constantly guides their graphic designers towards global events like KyooriusDesignYatra, ensuring that their graduates are better articulated in their craft.

AOD graphic students trying out the best technology
AOD is currently enrolling for the 2012/13 intake for this globally renowned graphic design degree along with BA (Hons) in Motion Graphics and Animation. AOD also offers top British degrees in Fashion, Interior Design and Fashion Marketing.
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