CA Sri Lanka’s qualification is your global passport to success
View(s):As you relax with your legs up on a sofa watching your favourite movie with a steaming cup of tea by your side, it’s obvious that you are taking it easy after sitting for the crucial Advanced Level Examination having toiled yourself studying day and night to nerve wrecking ends.
But if you think that the most decisive time of your life is over, think again, for it is now that you have reached the echelon of your youth, the most important and crucial time of your life to take that most important decision of your future – your career. In today’s fast paced and ever demanding world, Advanced Level qualifications are no longer duly recognized if you anticipate to climb the corporate ladder to the highest of peaks, and thus a professional qualification, recognized both in Sri Lanka and the world over is undoubtedly essential.

Aruna Alwis Secretary / Chief Executive Officer The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka
Due to the scarcity of job opportunities and the ever increase in the unemployment numbers, the competition among respective applicants for jobs are undoubtedly high, yet if you need to stand out among your competitions, you need to ensure you have a globally recognized and a marketable qualification which will be your global passport for a successful career. Today, countless qualifications are available at a wide ranging cost but a majority of these qualifications are of very little recognition and it is also common among many to find very cheap qualifications with no recognition at all. Therefore, what is important is to choose a qualification which has both the affordability and recognition; such qualifications are of course very rare!
But as a diamond lying in the midst of silt, here is a golden opportunity available for all students who have concluded their A/L’s to pursue a world renowned affordable qualification offered by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka), the country’s national accounting body, with an impressive history that roots back to 53 long years of valuable educational service for generations of students with continuous trust and dependability. CA Sri Lanka has opened a clear pathway targeting school leavers offering them a wide range of educational opportunities through its revised curriculum which came into effect in 2010. The CA Sri Lanka syllabus which is on par with international trends of the accounting subject provides students a competent knowledge that enables them to deal successfully even in the most stressed out of business environments. CA Sri Lanka President, Mr. Sujeewa Rajapakse said that the qualification offered at CA Sri Lanka is well recognized both locally and internationally and gives the student a thorough understanding on key subjects related to accounting such as Accounting and Finance, Assurance and Related Services, Performance Measurement and Reporting, Strategic Business Management, and Taxation and Legal Services which are key elements that sharpens and nurtures the capabilities of a competent accountant. “The most important and unique feature of the CA Sri Lanka qualification is the three year practical training period that a student has to undergo during his course of study. Presently there are more than 800 training organizations attached to the Institute that provide training for our students to apply their theories learned in classrooms to realistic business situations,” Mr. Rajapakse noted.According to the President, throughout the past 53 years of its existence, the Institute has produced many talented intellectuals who presently excel in diversified business entities making both the institute and the country proud.
Chief Executive Officer of CA Sri Lanka, Mr. Aruna Alwis noted that of the 4200 members nearly 30% are based in overseas employment giving our country an invaluable reputation. “The value and quality of the Institute’s qualification is apparent with the massive student base numbering to over 37,000 currently following the CA Sri Lanka course, thereby making it also one of the largest tertiary education providers in the country,” Mr. Alwis said. The decision to be a globally sought after professional lies within you.Are you going to spend millions of rupees on foreign qualifications or are you ready to keep your hard earned money within our very own shores and earn a reputed qualification to your name which is recognized globally?The choice is yours!
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