The human-elephant conflict took a slightly new turn when a wild elephant was knocked down by a Colombo bound train at Kekirawa in the Anuradhapura District killing the elephant and causing the train to derail. The train which was travelling on Friday night from Trincomalee to Colombo came to a halt when the elephant was [...]


Train derailed after hitting jumbo


The human-elephant conflict took a slightly new turn when a wild elephant was knocked down by a Colombo bound train at Kekirawa in the Anuradhapura District killing the elephant and causing the train to derail.

The train which was travelling on Friday night from Trincomalee to Colombo came to a halt when the elephant was hit at around 11 p.m. at Nelliyagma near Kekirawa. No one on the train was injured in the incident.

Train services on the line came to a halt for eight hours and services were brought to normal at around 7 a.m. yesterday, Anuradhapura Railway Station officials said, adding four trains were delayed due to the accident.

Last year the human-elephant conflict killed 200 elephants and 48 people, according to statistics of the Forest Conservation Department.

Over the past 19 years an average of 148 elephants and 59 humans have been killed per year, it said.

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