CCBT Awarded ACCA GOLD Status in just one year
Ms.Dilani Alwis,Dr.Afra Sajjad & Ms Nilusha Ranasinghe from ACCA. Mr.Godwin Dass,Ms.Resha Rilwan,Ms.Geethika Pannilwathana & Mr.Rahmy Abdeen from CCBT.
The Cosmopolitan College of Business and Technology (CCBT) was recently awarded Gold Status as a tuition provider, by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). CCBT conveniently located just opposite the British Council Colombo is an educational institute that offers students a professional and an academic qualification in finance and accounting through the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), which is the global body for professional accountants.
ACCA‘s Approved Learning Partner (ALP) aims to recognize tuition providers who can prove that they meet ACCA‘s demanding performance targets. The Gold Status is granted only to high quality tuition providers that ACCA is confident to recommend to students, after assessing the institute against the challenging quality assurance measures and performance indicators of ACCA. It requires the tuition provider to meet a range of challenging performance targets covering the institution’s overall management and more specifically its ACCA course management, delivery and quality.
CCBT Awarded Gold Status
CCBT is the first institute in Sri Lanka to be awarded ACCA Gold Status in just one year of operation which is a tremendous achievement.CCBT ensures quality education to students with size controlled classrooms, quality facilities and a renowned lecture panel.CCBT is also proud to announce that the pass rates were above global pass rates.
Director of CCBT from London UK, Mr.Godwin Dass when contacted stated, ‘It is indeed a feather in our cap at CCBT, Sri Lanka, to have achieved Gold Status from ACCA and that too within the first year since commencement of operations in Sri Lanka. This was achievable mainly due to the vast international experience, expertise and funding that our key players have brought into Sri Lanka in establishing CCBT.
It is a note of encouragement to the management of CCBT that its primary objective of providing a stringently high quality tuition institution with state of the art facilities and well renowned panel of lecturers has been recognized by ACCA. Additionally, it is noteworthy to mention that the exceptionally high Pass rates achieved by our students at the recent ACCA results, further consolidates the quality and standards at CCBT. All these happenings in Sri Lanka ,not only motivates but induces us to achieve even greater heights in the not too distant future thus setting higher standards for the education industry in Sri Lanka as a whole.’
Head of ACCA Sri Lanka ,Ms.Nilusha Ranasinghe commented “We appreciate that CCBT has advanced to the position of being a Gold Status partner in only an year of operation .In addition to meeting the Gold performance targets we also found that CCBT provides comfortable premises and adequate facilities, carefully monitoring attendance and retention, maintaining financial viability, employing a knowledgeable and experienced teaching team, offering a structured teaching programme and providing students with advice on study options and tutorial support.”
Unique & foreign aspects offered to students at CCBT
The parent institute of CCBT is the Cosmopolitan College of Commerce and Technology (CCCT) established in Brunei. CCCT has been in operation in Brunei for the past seven years, and most recently CCCT was recognised as a promising local enterprise in Brunei. CCCT in Brunei offers students educational programmes from Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia, and the United Kingdom. The international expansion of CCCT, funded through a partial grant by the Government of Brunei, resulted in the establishment of CCBT in Sri-Lanka in March of 2011, so it is a well established institute. The ties between CCCT and CCBT are very strong as both institutes are under the same management and they strive to maintain strong relations even amongst the staff and students at both locations.
In Brunei, there are about forty lecturers from six different countries, and they all contribute their expertise in developing the students’ knowledge and skills. CCBT hopes to maintain strong relations amongst their lecturers through staff exchanges, where good lecturers will be sent from Sri-Lanka to Brunei for a period of time, and also have lecturers from Brunei visit Sri-Lanka.
CCBT is also are very keen that the students in Sri-Lanka benefit from this international aspect of our institute. The best performing students will be awarded work attachments in Brunei as well as scholarships for students who wish to pursue their education further at CCCT-Brunei
Benefits of studying for the ACCA qualification with CCBT
CCBT has a very strong lecture panel, with many senior and popular lecturers also a part of the lecture panel. Lecturers form a very young and strong team of educationists and many of them are employed in high ranks with leading financial and banking institutions. Some of CCBT lecturers are Mr.Sugeeth Patabandige, Mr.Imraz Iqbal, Mr.Rakitha Jayathunga, Ms.Gayathri Thuraisamy, Mr.Shafraz Saleem, Ms.Nusrath Amanullah, Mr.Rimas Eesa and Mr.Malaka Rubasinghe. The management of the institute are all finance professionals and thus they know the material and are aware of the subject content. CCBT offers small class sizes, thus ensuring that students receive personal attention. Students can study for the ACCA qualification either full time or part time.
Post Ordinary Level students are eligible to commence studying for the ACCA qualification. A unique aspect is that students gain certification when they successfully complete specific stages, students gain a diploma and advanced diploma in accounting and business. This makes it easier for students to gain employment whilst studying for their full ACCA qualification, and thus fulfil the work experience requirement for gaining ACCA membership.
Students are also able to carry out an additional research project, which automatically enables them to gain a Bachelor’s degree in applied accounting from Oxford-Brooks University of the United Kingdom. So students gain a dual qualification, an academic as well as a professional. Students can achieve this within a space of about two-and-a-half years. Our lecturers in Brunei act as project supervisors and advice the students when they conduct their research projects, so their projects have international touch to it. So why wait? Visit CCBT –at 502, R.A.De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 03.
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