IIHE is the ONLY institution in Sri Lanka directly associated with the prestigious University of Wales, UK, offering a BSc (Hons) Degree in Business Management and MBA. This association is one of the longest standing relationships between a private tertiary education institute in Sri Lanka and a University of international repute which goes back to [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Welcome to IIHE


IIHE is the ONLY institution in Sri Lanka directly associated with the prestigious University of Wales, UK, offering a BSc (Hons) Degree in Business Management and MBA. This association is one of the longest standing relationships between a private tertiary education institute in Sri Lanka and a University of international repute which goes back to 1996.

These programmes can be completed entirely in Sri Lanka. However, if the students so desire they can proceed to the UK after completing year 1 or even after completing year 2.

Founded by Royal Charter in 1893, the University of Wales is the degree-awarding body for the majority of higher education students in Wales, as well as for many at other higher education institutions in the United Kingdom and overseas.Visit the website http :// www.wales.ac.uk for more details on the global presence of the University of Wales.

IIHE currently offers the following Degrees.

1. BSc (Hons) Business Management with specializations in HR, marketing and Finance.
2.Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Message from the CEO

Imperial Institute of Higher Education was established in 1996 and continues to provide quality tertiary education in Association with the University of Wales, UK. Over the years our graduates have been absorbed into blue chip companies in Sri Lanka and overseas .IIHE graduates have now become the preferred choice of respected corporate entitles . The MBA graduates too have established the IIHE brand in the local market with their achievements. In fact the Alumni of IIHE are now in the Board Rooms of many companies with some being either CEO’s or deputy CEO’s. Over the years IIHE has not compromised the quality of the programmes it offers to its valued customers in any way . We have demonstrated a commitment to continuing improvement to the quality of service we offer. Being one of a few institutions with direct association with the parent university ,the quality of the Programmes are subject to the quality assurance systems of the Quality Assurance Agency, QAA of the UK. In 2010 September, IIHE moved to the present premises where students have been provided the luxury of a student friendly and technology enhanced learning environment. IIHE is continuing to improve the learning environment and is hoping to develop virtual academy where students will very soon be provided even more access to E-Learning.

Having a history of over 15 years in providing validated degrees of the University of Wales, IIHE has now decided to widen the portfolio of products to include other disciplines and also to provide a choice of the country of origin of the qualification. Therefore, negotiations have already commended with other UK universities, Australian Universities, and US universities. Recently IIHE launched its collaboration with the Institute of Hospitality ( UK ) to offer professional management programs in Hospitality and Tourism.

The Private tertiary education providers are increasing by the day and potential students can be confused at price variations, time frames to complete programmes, the work load involved etc. Potential students, however, should not be distracted by price and time frames. Education is for life and the investment in time and money that you make should develop you with the knowledge and skills required to be a preferred professional. IIHE has been and will always be a institution brand that will offer Degrees from internationally reputed universities assuring that you become a preferred professional in the global market. When making a decision with regards to obtaining a foreign tertiary education qualification in Sri Lanka one should ensure that:

1.Local Institution is directly associated with Parent University
2.Program Structure is in keeping with a globally recognized curriculum
3.Assessment systems and grading are benchmarked according to international standards
4.Program Completion Times are in keeping with international standards
5.Admission criteria are in keeping with international standards

All of the above are criteria, that potential employers will probe at interviews when they evaluate your certification and eligibility for a vacancy. IIHE will strive to provide its structure value for money and education for life which empower them to realize their full potential and make their dreams a reality .

Dr Thilaka S. Weerakoon – CEO

PhD (Cranfield.UK); MSc (Cranfield,UK); C.Eng(UK);F.I.Mech.E.(UK);F.I.E.(UK)

B.Sc. (Hons) Degree in Business Management

Our B.Sc. is positioned for students who are seeking careers in Management such as Managers in HRM, Marketing, Finance or General Management. This is achieved through the programme design which provides – Core Modules and – Electives to provide the specialism in the respective functional areas.

Two further competitive aspects of our B.Sc. are that Students are required to undertake a live group project in the 1st semester of the Final year. This project (RLPS) with a Blue Chip Company requires students to act as consultants to solve a real life problem given by the Client company, under the supervision of a Faculty Member.

The students are also required to undertake an individual Dissertation under supervision which again provides an opportunity for the student to integrate the knowledge acquired to address a research problem of their choice. Successful completion of this Dissertation and the RLPS together with taught modules, assures our graduates a unique competitive advantage in the employment market in Sri Lanka and also in the International Market.

The individual dissertation is a compulsory requirement in our B.Sc. unlike in most other programmes. The external examiners from UOW have always been very impressed with the high quality of these dissertations. They have mentioned that most are comparable with the UK post graduate work.

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