Sunday Times 2
Libya mayhem reveals ‘uncontrolled chaos’ around the globe
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” Lao Tzu, 604 B.C. The widely held belief that the “illuminati” globalists know exactly where they are going in their efforts to transform the world into a global village — through interventions under false pretexts, “controlled chaos,” and “colour revolutions” — has been called into doubt by U.S. State Secretary Hillary Clinton’s recent comment on the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Libya. “How can this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a city we helped save from destruction?” she asked, channeling the likely question on the minds of the Americans.
“How can this happen” encapsulates the foreign policy that the United States and its European NATO allies have been pursuing of late. Together they orchestrated and bankrolled the overthrow of the Muammar Gaddafi regime last October. The country’s subsequent disintegration let them seize control over its rich oil and other natural resources.
Stevens was then the U.S. State Department special envoy to Libya’s National Transitional Council in Benghazi (the seat of the provisional government and the nucleus of the Libyan opposition). Which is to say that the American diplomat fully backed the anti-Gaddafi “revolution” only to fall victim of the revolutionaries he consistently provided with assistance and support. The murder was presumably perpetrated as an act of protest against the recently released trailer of a U.S. film mocking the Prophet Mohammed.

A Libyan demonstrator holds a sign as thousands of people march in Benghazi during a protest against militias on Friday. AFP
In post-revolution Yemen and Egypt, too, U.S. missions have become the target of hundreds of angry protesters, with dozens left wounded in the Yemeni capital, Sana, and more than 240 injured in Cairo.Those incidents have prompted the globalists to conclude that the presence of NATO troops is indispensable to future “color revolutions.” Next in line are, obviously, Syria and Iran.
France’s socialist president, Francois Hollande, and the prime minister of Belgium, Elio de Rupo, also a socialist, both insist on a military intervention into Syria to oust Bashar al-Assad, much the same way Gaddafi was removed a year ago to give way to “democracy” in Libya.
Earlier, Western-style “democracy” was exported to Iraq and Afghanistan but has remained dormant to this day.
The two most important sites built in Iraq since the start of the invasion here eight years ago are the U.S. Embassy compound, the world’s largest, and the Camp Victory military base, which, too, is the largest such base in the world, with enough space on its 47-kilometre grounds to accommodate 40,000 servicemen and 20,000 private contractors.
The country is in ruins. Its industrial infrastructure has been destroyed, and tens of thousands of Iraqis have been killed, wounded, or displaced.
The same has happened in Afghanistan, where, after eleven years of war, the allies are unable to control the situation despite their 400 bases on Afghan soil, forcing them to enter into negotiations with the Taliban. The only other “achievement” in Afghanistan, besides the destruction and killing, is a boom in opium production, which has grown to 9,600 tons per year, up from 1,100 tons in 2001.
Both wars, labelled “preemptive,” exacted a heavy human toll, with more than 10,000 U.S. troops and 5,000 private contractors having lost their lives. More than 40,000 Americans have been injured and some 300,000 have developed a post-traumatic stress disorder. But it has been the hardest for the local populations.
Some will argue it is time Western powers ended their Iraqi and Afghan campaigns, especially given the severe economic crisis currently facing the U.S. and the European Union. Both nations should be left alone to solve their problems as they see fit, choosing a system of governance by themselves rather than having a foreign model imposed on them.
But the globalists have their own logic, one that serves to enhance national governments’ industrial and military power and to put the financial sector at the service of transnational corporations
As he was leaving office in 1961, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower said: “We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” But the warning that Eisenhower delivered to his fellow Americans in his farewell address fell on deaf ears, it seems.
The United States has now become the world’s largest arms exporter, with a market share of 78 percent. And despite the failure of the Iraqi and Afghan wars and the revolutions “without rhyme or reason” in Egypt, Libya and Yemen, the country’s military-industrial and financial establishment continues down the same road, supported by NATO allies in Europe.
Many of today’s drug-related, religious, and politically motivated wars are direct consequences of Washington’s unbridled ambition to control the world’s natural resources.
The economic crisis is no obstacle to the globalists, who believe that wars and conflicts, along with being profitable, can also be instrumental in distracting the public. They have now set their sights on Asia and the Pacific Rim, particularly on China, the powerhouse of the global economy.
It is not so much the growth of China’s political clout that the Americans find disconcerting as its evolution into the region’s economic leader.
The world’s second largest economy, with an annual defence budget of $142 billion, China has spent the last five years modernising its armed forces, and is expected to achieve military parity with the U.S. by 2020. This is the reason behind the establishment of a U.S. base in Darwin, Australia, with 2,500 marines deployed. Also, this has prompted the U.S. Pacific Command to develop an Air Sea Battle Plan so that its air and naval forces will have the capacity to deter and destroy the increasingly powerful Chinese Navy in the Pacific Ocean.
In addition, the United States is working to set up a base for unmanned drones somewhere in the region (in Australia, Vietnam, or the Philippines). It is well aware of the increasingly important role this type of aircraft plays in modern warfare. In 2011, the Americans had 350 drones, with 1,300 pilots deployed in thirteen bases; by the year 2015, the number will have increased to 2,000. Curiously enough, as the presence of the U.S. Navy in the South China Sea grows, Hanoi, Manila and Tokyo are beginning to aggressively assert their rights to islands that China also claims. This illustrates that the globalists are planning to turn the Asia-Pacific Region into a new centre of gravity in the 21st century.
James Covert, an analyst with International Forecaster, argues that Washington came out with the Cold War concept in the 1950s to build up its military budget and expand its global domination. Later on, this concept was replaced with “the war on terrorism.” And now a new Cold War is in the making; this time, the target is China and the objective is to prevent its further geopolitical expansion.
Already, the globalists are sounding the alarms over the “dangerous” situation in the Asia-Pacific Region, using the International Crisis Group as their mouthpiece. This non-government organisation is financed by the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Soros Open Society Institute, and several oil giants. Which means the ICG report is governed by the corporate interests that are at the roots of all the conflicts of the modern world.
The U.S seeks to neutralise China at the international level, forcing it to adopt the Western stance on Syria and Iran. The only option left to the Chinese under these circumstances is to continue their economic and military growth, with a $3 trillion reserve in the Central Bank, and to try to bolster their alliance with Russia.
The latter will be no easy task, according to Chinese experts, despite the fact that 70 per cent of Russia’s territory lies in Asia, because its people “have always lived under the influence of the United States and Eurocentrism, and have never demonstrated a real interest in Asia, remaining completely unaware of its idiosyncrasies.”
But given that geo-economic needs change with the appearance of new centers of economic development and financial power, the latest APEC Leaders’ Week in Vladivostok may serve as an eye-opener for many Russians, showing them just how much the alignment of forces on the world’s political scene has changed in recent years.
The time has come to define a strategic relationship between Russia and China so that together they could shield the world from a wave of “preemptive wars,” “colour revolutions,” and “controlled chaos.” People around the globe are now rising up against militarism because they want to live in peace. If only the powers that be could realise it.
Courtesy Moscow Times
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