Despite the future assurance in the field of medicine, many aspiring to become medical doctors or dentists failed to realise their dreams as there are insufficient places available for pursuing such specialise programme. However at the Management and Science University (MSU), you will find alternative career opportunities in medicine through the Faculty of Health and [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

MSU’s biomedical science programme alternatives to medicine profession


Despite the future assurance in the field of medicine, many aspiring to become medical doctors or dentists failed to realise their dreams as there are insufficient places available for pursuing such specialise programme. However at the Management and Science University (MSU), you will find alternative career opportunities in medicine through the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (FHLS), Bachelor in Biomedical Science (Hons) programme.

The term ‘Biomedical Science’ refers to the study of normal life processes in humans and it provides an understanding of the causes and consequences of human disease. The Bachelor in Biomedical Science is a 3 year Bachelor programme which includes classroom instructions and clinical component. Initial subjects like anatomy, physiology, genetics, pathology microbiology, pharmacology give an insight into the human body and the human illnesses. In the final year, there is hospital based training where the students are exposed to applied clinical science.

Upon completing the programme, job prospects opportunities exist in medical research in the pharmaceutical companies, diagnostic laboratories, biotechnology laboratories and hospitals. Openings exist in forensic lab, veterinary medicine, food manufacture, medical publishing etc. Those interested in teaching can have an academic career in colleges and universities. Biomedical science programme also helps students in working closely with physicians in providing a wide variety of healthcare services. This programmes also can be a good foundation course for medicine.

The programme offered along these areas meet the stringent standards set by the local or international bodies. MSU award winning home grown programmes are among the best in the region. These programmes are meticulously crafted to enhance the graduates worth. The university aspires to provide education that will enhance employability of its graduates and at the same time enrich the students learning experience with ethical and moral values.

The recognition of any institution of higher learning lies on the strength of its programmes and faculty members. Whilst ensuring the requirements of academically qualified faculty members are being met, MSU further fortifies its brand image through the deployment of international visiting professors and institutional collaborations.

Students from Sri Lanka will now have the opportunity to savour MSU’s quality education through its Colombo Campus. Visit MSU Colombo Campus at 371, R.A. De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 3 or call 257 6900/ 257 6644/ 257 6700/ 257 7266 for further enquiries or visit


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