National Institute of Labour Studies offers a range of Diploma programmes.
In a corporate environment, it is important that employers and heads of organisations have a good knowledge of Labour Law, and Human Resource Management in order to ensure that personnel are treated in a fair manner and to ensure that the organisation operates efficiently and effectively.
The National Institute of Labour Studies (NILS) was established in 2007 and later legally incorporated in 2010 by Parliament Act “National Institute of Labour Studies Act, no. 12 of 2010” , and operates under the Ministry of Labour and Labour relations in Sri Lanka. It is a professional body with the objective of providing education, training, consultancy and advisory services to counterparts of the labour sector including employers, and employees – with the aim of facilitating workplace harmony.
In-line with the above objectives the Institute offers three Diploma programmes as follows –
Labour Laws and Industrial Relations
Human Resource Management
Workplace Productivity Enhancement
The diploma programmes are organised through modules with assessments carried out at the end of every module. Each diploma consists of eight modules, of this six modules are compulsory and students can choose two optional modules from four modules on offer. Upon completion of the six modules students are assigned an individual research project, the Action Learning Project. Through this project students identify an issue in a work place and work on possible solutions to address the issue. Students work along with supervisor from the institute and defend their research through a viva conducted by a panel.

Mr. Lakmal Perera, awarding the scholarship for a participant
The diploma programme is of twelve months duration. Self-sponsored students are able to cover the course fees in three installment payments. The NILS diploma is fair in cost in comparison to similar qualifications available, since as a Government owned statutory body the cost is subsidised.
“NILS has a lecture panel of experts in the field of Labour Laws and Human Resource Management, this includes Former commissioners of Labour, retired and current judges of the Labour tribunal, resource persons from leading state and private universities and institutes; they all have a proven track record in the field of Labour Law, Human Resource Management and Workplace productivity” said Mr. H.M.B.C. Herath, Director General of NILS.
NILS is currently recruiting students for the fifth batch of the Diploma programme, “Those who are already working in fields related to Human Resource Management and Labour Relations are the ideal candidates for this programme” said Mr. Herath “our alumni have gone on to receive promotions and perform better in their jobs upon obtaining the Diploma”
“Many organisations face difficulties due to the breach of labour laws, thus it is beneficial for an organisation to fully understand the laws. Human Resource Management is applicable from recruitment up to retirement of an employee. If an organisation needs to execute a disciplinary procedure against an employee there is a path that needs to be followed in accordance with the legal framework, which minimises hassle to the organisation and the employee. Thus the Human Resource department plays a vital role, they are essentially the company representative to the staff and the labour officials, so giving them a proper training is very important” said Mr.Herath. He further added “effective Human Resource management improves workplace productivity also enhances knowledge and co-operation in a workplace. So these three disciplines are linked and, if implemented correctly, work together to uplift the organisation as a whole”.
The NILS has developed working relations with the International Labour Organization (ILO) in addition to the Ministry of Labour & Labour Relations, Labour Department of Sri Lanka, Universities, and the V.V.Giri Institute of India which is the Indian counterpart organization.
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