Chronic Kidney Disease or CKD has been taking a heavy toll in the North Central Province and other provinces for many years. A National Research Project is now being carried out by the government in collaboration with the World Health Organization; no conclusive evidence has come up as to its origins. Most victims have been [...]


CKD: More shocking details


Chronic Kidney Disease or CKD has been taking a heavy toll in the North Central Province and other provinces for many years.
A National Research Project is now being carried out by the government in collaboration with the World Health Organization; no conclusive evidence has come up as to its origins. Most victims have been farmers.

In 2002, the Sunday Times first highlighted the plight of these farmers, raising questions on whether pesticides were a contributory factor.

In a three-part print partnership that the Sunday Times has undertaken with the Washington-based Centre for Public Integrity, we publish today the second instalment of a study of CKD in the NCP. The Sunday Times enjoys exclusive rights together with ‘The Week’ in India and the radio partner ‘The World’ produced jointly by a US network with BBC for the series.

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