Wesley to the fore
View(s):The history of Wesley College cricket of 120 years has been made into an eye-catching hard cover collector’s item by Jeremy Brohier and published by Stamford Lake (Pvt) Ltd. This impressive volume is a must for every cricket fan irrespective of being an old Weslyite or not.
This souvenir consists of eight sections starting with the Principal’s message followed by the Editor’s and office bearers of the Old Boys Union and Old Wesleyite Sports Club. This valuable collection not only includes Wesley College cricket details but includes pictures of the buildings of the college dating back to 1874.
Chapter one opens from year 1892-1910. The most important item are the score sheets of the inaugural Royal-Wesley cricket encounter in 1982, with the oldest photograph being the 1098 cricket team.
Chapter two begins from 1911 to 1950. Rest of the seven chapters goes up to year 2011 consisting very valuable write-ups of distinguished old boys and guest writers along with their memories running down to every moment of their school life and interesting school matches.
Mr. Edmund Dissanayake the Grand Old Guru of most of the Wesley cricketers has presented the readers with write-ups of outstanding cricketers and interesting events starting with the story of how the late D.M. Rajapaksa joined Wesley.
Dissanayake takes every Weslyite way back to the good old days with write-ups of the Wesley-Royal and Wesley-Trinity matches that were played in memory of distinguished old boys who had presented trophies.
Dissanayake is one of the most honoured Wesleyites who guided so many school boys to reach the top, of their cricketing careers. The book also contains a write-up of legendary Mahadevan Sathasivam, a proud product of Wesley College.

Wesley Cricket team 1908 Standing: S.Gunasekera, D.M.Rupasinghe, E.A.Gunasekera, E de Silva, U.Gunaratne,Rev.H.Highfield Seated: W.D.Lewis, S.Nagendra, F.W.Dias O.C.Amarh, R.F.S.Mendis
It talks about their first victories with notable performances both in batting and bowling highlighted with details. Write-ups of outstanding cricketers such as the Classan brothers, Sathasivam, Lakshman Gunatilleke, the Harmer brothers, Fuard brothers, Lalith Wijesinghe, Darrel May and the Jeganathan brothers, to name a few gives every reader an insight about services the above mentioned had rendered to their Alma-Mater. The volume also contains the history of the college grounds at Campbell Park, with tributes to long serving ground staff members with pictures of important events. Then the services of past principals and about champion teams with details of interesting matches are also noted in this booklet.
- Lakshman Ranasinghe
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