First female Sri Lankan rubber auctioneer takes the floor
Pic shows Ms. Mekala Wanigasuriya auctioning a rubber lot.
John Keells PLC made history this week when one of its employees became the first female rubber auctioneer.
Ms. Mekala Wanigasuriya of John Keells PLC sold the R.S.S. catalogue at the 25th September auction and managed to obtain the top price of Rs. 468.00 for a line of R.S.S. 1 from Pallipitiya Estate of Welgama Investments (Pvt.) Ltd.
Since its inception on 4th November 1910, rubber auctioneers have always been males.
The first ever female auctioneer (on an earlier occasion) at the Colombo Tea Auction also came from John Keells.
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